Exercising and watching calories but no changes!

So I'm watching calories/fat/carbs etc. exercising daily and eating back most of my calories. I haven't noticed a difference in my measurements in almost 3 weeks. Especially the hips and thighs areas. What am I doing wrong or not doing that I need to be doing? I an using the JM 30DS and I'm at level 3 Day 1 today. Have also incorporated the JM 6 week 6 pack into my day but only about 20 min. of the routine. and Today started some beginner pilates to target those areas oh and some tebata several times a week now.



  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    you will not see a change right away. Give it a couple months and continue to do what you are doing. I didn't see a difference in my body/weight until a few months after I started my journey in 2009
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 991 Member
    I looked at your diary for yesterday and you had: 4,576mg of sodium. I think you are doing everything right but when you have that much sodium you better double your water for that day. Sodium will make your body retain several pounds of fluid. To counter act that you need to take in more water. For the next couple of days, I would up your water intake and cut the sodium in half.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    just peeked at your diaries and I would make 2 suggestions. One is to try to be more consistant with calories, you tend to go over some days and then under some days. And, processed foods could be a problem....hidden fats and sodium from restaurants- you never know exactly how they are really prepared.

    The other thing i wonder is if 1200 is too low. Just because MFP will set that up for you doesn't neccessarily make it a healthful thing. Go to the BMR tab and see what that is for you. No matter what I wouldn't eat below that because your body needs just that alone while at rest to fuel quiet body functions, let alone walking around and/or exercising.

    Accuracy of what you log for exercise is real important too, so do your best there too. So educate yourself and go at this smartly!

    Best of Luck!
  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    Do you measure your servings? I thought I was eating serving sizes when I first started out, but found I out I was actually eating two or three servings. I bought a food scale, and measure everything, until I have a good idea on the actual serving size. Good luck!
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Your not really eating that healthy. Not trying to be mean but alot of food you have in your food chart or diary are not good. Also three weeks is not that much time to see any difference. Get on google and search healthy foods and go from there. Yes eating healthy is just hard and everything has a plain taste but after 30 days or so you will get use to it.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Cut out all processed foods.

    Throw away the table salt and buy "minimally processed sea salt."

    Take your body weight and divide it in half. THAT is how many ounces of water you should be drinking every day.

    I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at this video:

    This is the nutrition plan I've been following and it was helping me to loose weight even before I started working out.
    According to the Diet Solution Program, there are 3 types of metabolisms, and each one has it's own ratio of carbs /protein/ fats for optimal weight loss and health.

    I have cut out 90% of all processed foods, and I'm very careful of what products I buy/consume.

    Not only has this program helped me to loose weight, but I have more energy and when I'm following it correctly, I don't have any carb cravings. When I "fall off the wagon" I am a crazy carb monster.

    God bless!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your insight. This past week as far as my food diary goes hasn't been the greatest. I use sea salt at home and in addition to that I don't use much in the way of salt anyway. I do my best when I purchase my food to buy no salt added stuff. We do a lot of cooking at home so I know what goes into everything.

    @army_cobra: what exactly in my diet did you not consider healthy? It helps to know those things.

    @akgrl1020: I have a food scale and I have been using it to measure portions.

    I just don't know what else to do.

    Thanks again everyone!
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    Up your cals and see if it works. :) If not, then go back down... Also, are you working out EVERY DAY? Maybe give your body some rest? Just a few ideas.... :)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Maybe a little less fried food and more stir fry type stuff. When I stir fry, I don't add oil. Most times I will use a marinade (Ken's Lawry's whatever) or honey and soy sauce. The liquid will keep the stuff from burning to the pan even if it isn't "oil."

    There is a lot of fried stuff in your diary. Cutting back on that might help you some.... Specifically the pork rinds (I know they are DELICIOUS! but they really have no redeeming nutritional qualities.)

    I agree that fluctuating your calorie intake drastically from one day to the next might not help a whole lot (I saw one day was under a 1000 and the next was around 2000). I know my own fluctuate from just below 1200 (for some reason 1183 seems to be my number lol) to 1350 IF I exercised that day. I try to hit the 1200 (it yells at you if you don't lol), but will go over if I exercise to "earn" dessert etc. Tonight... I'm going to try to squeeze a workout in before my friend comes over so I can have some goodies. :-)

    It is important to vary your workout routine as well. Don't do the same exact exercise every day or your body will get used to it. I vary mine by walking the dogs one day, weight lifting the next, riding my stationary bike, weighted ball workout, and sometimes throw in yoga or pilates which kills me because I am NOT that limber! LOL