Do meal replacement drinks work



  • HereToLose50
    HereToLose50 Posts: 154 Member
    edited March 2019
    They aren't filling at all past about 30 minutes to an hour. I ended up starving trying to wait for dinner. This was years ago. I didn't lose much because it's so difficult to stick to such a strict liquid diet.

    There are plenty of low calorie foods that you could have for meals instead. If you have breakfast at all you could do egg white omelette and/or turkey sausage. Real food that can keep you full. There are other options too.

    A lot of days I don't eat OR drink anything at all not even coffee or water until lunch time. I have found once I eat or drink anything, even water, I am hungry soon after.

    Editing to add: I make sure I get a healthy amount of calories each day. Delaying my intake helps me because I can do 2 bigger meals and some snacks for the rest of the day. I'm having no problems staying in my calories alottment and I eat delicious foods.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @Maxxitt @jdog022 your both being so dramatic saying I won’t last 3 days or a week I’ve just been on YouTube and google reasearching it and there are people that have done it for months without being hungry or having any health problems

    There are also people who jump off bridges...? In other words, just because someone else did it, doesn't mean it's a good, or healthy idea.
    This really isn't a good plan. You may lose weight, but what are you going to do to keep it off afterwards?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited March 2019
    Very low caloric intakes are not an extremely effective method to create and b promote the conditions that will ensure rebound binge eating--or, just, maybe they are!!!

    By all means avoid a reasonable and long term sustainable deficit that will get you to your goal and allow you to experiment and educate yourself as to how you might go about maintaining your weight.

    Blunt force always works better than feathering in achieving our goals :wink:
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    In high school when I had no idea about weight loss I tried slim fast, I thought all I had to do was have a drink and the weight would come off magically while eating the same exact way. Don’t be silly like me. Just make sure you don’t go over your calories like I did while drinking slim fast and it will work.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    @missysippy930 @TavistockToad because that’s the slimfast diet. 2 shakes a day and 600 calorie meal. You didn’t answer anything i asked lol

    I have done Slim I guess I'm actually "qualified" to give advice. You're not going to like it though.

    Slim Fast is designed so you don't have to bother with logging calories, or learning portion control. This is a website for users to measure and log food, learn portion control.

    You are taking the easy way out and I guess we're a bunch of dummies. Here's what I figured out. Weight loss is just the first step. To maintain the weight I lost, I had to figure a few things out, or repeat the weight loss process over and over again. Meal replacement shake sellers love this. They get repeat customers.

    Drinking my calories - Slim Fast or other shakes didn't give me the same satisfaction as eating, as chewing, as picking out food I actually wanted.

    The shakes "work" ONLY because you are taking in fewer calories. Nothing more. You can eat food you enjoy and lose weight. Slim Fast left me hungry and I got bored with the same shakes over and over.

    Because you aren't going to bother with portion control or logging actual food (for the most part) you won't know how many calories you are eating. There is a minimum for meeting nutritional guidelines. Losing fast isn't a good thing.

    Drink Slim fast for as long as you can stand it, but have a game plan in place for when you get sick of shakes, and especially for maintenance. A smaller you is going to require (somewhat) fewer calories forever.

    I didn't use Slim-Fast, but I did use another branded "wellness" meal replacement product for close to a year. Yes, I lost weight. But I had the same issue as bolded above - they were not satisfying, and I needed to have a salad or something else on the side so that I felt like I'd "had a meal", since apparently my mind equates eating with actually chewing something rather than drinking.

    I stopped using them after a while due to the high cost of the product, and because I'd learned absolutely nothing about portion control or calories I regained all the weight I'd lost - and much more! - within another couple of years or so.

    If you really want to use something like this, make sure you choose one with adequate nutrition and make sure you do eat some solid food each day (more than a bowl of fruit!). And, as mentioned, have a plan for when you reach your goal.