Wholeheartedly dedicated - are you?

I started 8 days ago, but waited to do my "Hi, I'm here!" message.
My goal is to check the message boards and converse at least twice a day.
I seriously am looking for others that are "wholeheartedly dedicated" to support each other.
While I realize that life throws curve balls, it's how I allowed myself back into this predicament, we must try to remain steady.
So, if you are looking for a buddy - a committed one - I'm her.
Thanks for reading, I look forward to 'meeting' you.

PS - My starting weight 340.2 - so I'm going to be here awhile!!!


  • LoveShane88
    LoveShane88 Posts: 17 Member
    I’m in !!!! 😊
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    You can do this!! :)
  • Tiamarie619
    Tiamarie619 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes! I'm so tired of starting over. I'm on day 7. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm with you with regard to starting over, and over, and over again.
    I really want this to be my last restart
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    I started 8 days ago, but waited to do my "Hi, I'm here!" message.
    My goal is to check the message boards and converse at least twice a day.
    I seriously am looking for others that are "wholeheartedly dedicated" to support each other.
    While I realize that life throws curve balls, it's how I allowed myself back into this predicament, we must try to remain steady.
    So, if you are looking for a buddy - a committed one - I'm her.
    Thanks for reading, I look forward to 'meeting' you.

    PS - My starting weight 340.2 - so I'm going to be here awhile!!!

    Way to go. Stay motivated. Stay focused. Build habits. Habits turn to routines. One those are set, it will feel "weird" not to stay focused.

    I have had people collecting :friends", but weren't motivated to give, and get support and inspiration. Count me in! You got this!
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    Yes! I'm so tired of starting over. I'm on day 7. Feel free to add me :)

    Stop starting over. Keep going. lets make it day 8. Then 9. Then 10. You get the idea. You got this!
  • Thanks so much. I don't want a collection of friends. I need a supportive and committed network. If friendship develops that's an added bonus.
    Thank you so much for your frankness, I need that!
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    Friends are friends. Like-minded friends are different. They motivate, inspire, and are dedicated to the cause. Like I just posted in another thread, if they are idle 30 days, I deleted them. I am getting ready to clean that list.

  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited February 2019
    Welcome to the group :)

    There's many here who've been very successful with their weight, fitness and health goals and are a wealth of info. Get plugged into some of the threads and then start tracking your calorie intake and aim to hit the calorie deficit that MFP set for you.
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    nynjcitygirlelaine Posts: 27 Member
    Update - Things are going well, I have had several people ask to be 'friends' and their support has been very important on this very long journey that I am on. Thank you to those that have posted comments here. I come back and re-read them often. You are all inspirers, something I didn't take advantage of last go round.
    Have an amazing day!
  • heavenlee816
    heavenlee816 Posts: 34 Member
    Good luck to you on your journey! I also started about a week about and I am in it to win it! I currently have about 15 pounds to lose. My goal is to gain so much more energy by eating as clean as possible. I already feel better just by cutting out the sugar and the junk but I am also feeling withdraws. :/ Feel free to add me if you want to motivate each other. :)
  • Dawnxdc
    Dawnxdc Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in. I was laying there last night sick and tired of how much weight I put on over the course of three years. My starting weight is 309 so I have a long ways to go too. Blargh...we'll get there; one day at a time. =)
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    I’m at 60 some odd days now and 25 pounds down, I have a lot more to lose and will be here awhile, feel free to friend me.
  • PatRN52
    PatRN52 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Pat and I'm 56 yrs old. I hit my highest weight of 355 lbs in Oct. 2017. By Feb. 2018 I had dropped 42 lbs but then I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer; since then I gained back about half of those pounds. My other medical history includes high blood pressure, arthritis and depression, and now I have been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. I started my most recent weight loss journey on Feb. 12 and have lost 16 lbs so far. I would love to have a group of friends for support and encouragement along the way.
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    nynjcitygirlelaine Posts: 27 Member
    Hi PatRN52 - you can count me in for support - please feel free to friend me.
    I am sadden by your diagnosis, but inspired that you haven't given up and started again in February!
    16 pounds is amazing in under a month. Keep up the good work!
  • denyelle19
    denyelle19 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m here! Feel free to add me. I’m on week 2 :-)
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I take it day by day, meal by meal - started over 300 days ago.
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    nynjcitygirlelaine Posts: 27 Member
    I am checking in to see how others are doing. Very happy to have not missed a day of logging in, or doing some sort of exercise.
  • nynjcitygirlelaine
    nynjcitygirlelaine Posts: 27 Member
    When you hit a roadblock (like rain) that prevents outdoor physcial activity, and don't belong to a gym, what do you do?
  • cathysyng
    cathysyng Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Guys .. good to see you all so enthusiastic.. it is contagious when i see others motivated. To nynjcitygirl.. I enjoy exercising with HASFIT youtube videos when I don't feel like going to the gym in winter. There are many other videos you choose from. Today I am re-starting after 2 years as I am just back from a month long vacation in India. I now need to loose the weight I put on. Heading to the gym.. Good luck everyone.