Diagnose me please...



  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    and please don't tell me to go to the doctor. Just looking for someone who may have a similar problem.

    I get dizzy when I stand up. Nealy every time I stand up, the room spins a bit and then my eyes refocus and I'm fine. I drink water - not as much as I should, but about 6 glasses per day on average. So, I don't think I'm dehydrated. I've never had Blood Pressure problems, either high or low. I eat enough. Work out a lot. Any ideas out there in MFP land?
    i have that EXACT problem..maybe it is dehydration, i don't drink as much as i shold either..mine is like i get 3 second blackouts..kinda scary, never had it as much in the rest of my life as i have recently..good luck
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    Low blood pressure.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    They used to tell me it's lack of Calcium. Try some multi-vitamins. Also make sure you are hydrated. It is cause by a sudden drop in blood pressure when you get up.

    This is a pretty good article about it:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    sounds like postural hypotension...http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Postural+hypertension. See your Dr to rule it in or out tho
  • AbacoRaveness
    You're gonna hate me but... you should go to the doctor. Seriously, if its happening every time you stand up thats not good.

    Best guesses on my part (DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR):
    (1) Vertigo. Inner ear issues can come out of nowhere.
    (2) But, sounds more like a blood pressure thing to me. This could be a result of being dehydrated. When you go stand up it can change your blood volume and push more fluids into the intracellular spaces of the tissues. Therefore, if you're alread dehydrated then you're decreasing an already low blood volume even more, thus dropping the blood pressure. OR, could just plain low blood pressure. If you've been dieting pretty strictly you may have altered your salt intake which can alter your blood pressure. Anything to do with kidneys can alter blood pressure. A kidney infection will usually drop blood pressure like a rock.

    NONE of these things are good and some are straight up serious. You should see a doctor to make sure your blood pressure is ok. Just because its always been ok in the past doesn't mean its ok now.
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    If I were you I would start with checking my blood pressure (I am not going to tell you to go to the dr but I do hope that you will go if it continues... )
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I get dizzy and get headaches if I am hungry, thirsty, tired, stressed.... It could be any number of things really. I know you don't want to hear "go to a doctor" but that's the only way you will find out for sure. If messing with your lifestyle (diet, sleep, stress) doesn't help then I would say go to a professional if you keep experiencing symptoms.
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    I got this a couple of months ago before my wedding. I did actually faint one day too (bit scary!).

    I went to the doc and she tested me for quite a few things, but thankfully I'm fine. She thinks it was stress, which I would probably have to agree with. Only had it a couple of times recently so fingers crossed that's all it was.
  • AbacoRaveness
    Hypoglycemia is a possibility too... but honestly most hypoglycemic episodes will make you feel dizzy sitting or standing and won't go away after a minute unless you eat/drink something with sugar in it.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Thanks to everyone - I'm thinking it's probably low BP, but I just had it tested at the OBGYN and it was great. I think it just dips when I stand up (someone had a name for that). I'm not really dieting and haven't been keeping track of my food in my diary for the last few weeks. Low iron might be the culprit too though...but I eat a TON of leafy veggies, just not much red meat. I also eat WAY too much cheese to have a calcium deficiency.

    I've already been to the doctor and she couldn't find anything wrong with me, which is why I don't really want to go back to her. Should I get a second opinion? Probably, but another doctor is about 2 hours away and I haven't had time, so that's why I'm hitting you all up for some info.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    might be vertigo. Something wrong with your inner ear. Does it happen when you bend over or go to lay down?
    Yes on the bending over, but it's when I come back up from bending over, not when I'm doing the bending.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Your equalibrium may be off. I know you said not to say go to the doctor, but to be honest, people online are not Doctors and your best bet would be to go see a PROFESSIONAL... not internet folk.

    Some people online ARE doctors but I would not be so presumptuous to attempt a diagnosis online and no one else should either. The above is the best answer I have seen yet.
  • busymom2625
    I've had this problem before and so has my daughter. In our cases, we both had low iron. An OTC iron supplement helped us.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Your equalibrium may be off. I know you said not to say go to the doctor, but to be honest, people online are not Doctors and your best bet would be to go see a PROFESSIONAL... not internet folk.

    Some people online ARE doctors but I would not be so presumptuous to attempt a diagnosis online and no one else should either. The above is the best answer I have seen yet.

    Oh OK I now see you already saw a doctor and got tested. That wasn't clear from the original post. good for you.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Hmm... the same thing happens to me... I have little chest flutterings as well. Sometimes I have to balance myself after I stand up. My doctor doesn't listen to me at all because she thinks I'm a hypocondriac(sp?)... it took me over two years to get her to take my gall bladder out.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    might be vertigo. Something wrong with your inner ear. Does it happen when you bend over or go to lay down?
    vertigo was what i was going to suggest too
  • amorgan51
    it could be anything from low blood sugar to just standing too quickly. Even if you're eating well, you may not be the eating the right things at the right time. Make list of what you and when you eat to see if there's a gap in what you eat or when. But, if this an ongoing issue with you would it not be wise to see your Dr.
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    Happens to me all the time. I think it's pretty common.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Hmm... the same thing happens to me... I have little chest flutterings as well. Sometimes I have to balance myself after I stand up. My doctor doesn't listen to me at all because she thinks I'm a hypocondriac(sp?)... it took me over two years to get her to take my gall bladder out.
    Weird - I get little chest flutters too! Not often, but often enough that I wonder about them. I always thought it was just anxiety. hmmmm..
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Post Subject: Diagnose me please...
    and please don't tell me to go to the doctor.
    Footer on every page of the forum:
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    Do you really want to risk it? Why *wouldn't* you go to a doctor? Even if someone posts the EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS it could be a completely different problem and solution. You'd rather take the (possibly well-educated) guesses of strangers who cannot examine you over a medical professional that might actually be able to run some tests - or at least, you know, see you in person?