Bulk eating question.

mtdb8 Posts: 65 Member
So what's something I can eat a lot of as a snack that is actually healthy for you? I've been doing popcorn and while its low in calories healthy is not a word I'd use for it.

A friend of mine eats berries which is a good idea but I'm allegic to berries and citrus.

Nuts are healthy but you can only est a small amount of them.

Do anyone have idea of what I can eat like and instead of popcorn?


  • kzshelbi
    kzshelbi Posts: 73 Member
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    What about cut up vegetables and some kind of low calorie dip (ex. flavoured low fat Greek yogurt), cucumbers and hot sauce, I also love beef jerky, shrimp with cocktail sauce, rice puffs.

    Nothing wrong with popcorn though, unless it's taking up half your calories and crowding out other nutrition, enjoy.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    No one food is healthy or unhealthy to you. It's the amount and it's contrast to the rest of your diet that is what makes stuff healthy or unhealthy. Popcorn (Air popped kind) is a good source of B Vitamins, Magnesium, Potassium & Other Minerals and Fibre, for a low calorie filling snack it's not a bad choice.

    However, it depends on what the rest of your diet is, if you're not meeting minimum fat, protein or vitamin/mineral R.D.A.s regularly then something else might be more appropriate.


  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    I like Greek yogurt, chopped walnuts and whey protein powder. Fairly low calories and nice balance of protein and fat. Calorie count can be carried depending on how many Tbs of nuts and protein powder you use. If enough calories available. You can also add fresh berries.
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member
    mini snacking cucumbers from Lidl and also picked mini cucumbers are nice. Olives ?
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    No one food is healthy or unhealthy to you. It's the amount and it's contrast to the rest of your diet that is what makes stuff healthy or unhealthy. Popcorn (Air popped kind) is a good source of B Vitamins, Magnesium, Potassium & Other Minerals and Fibre, for a low calorie filling snack it's not a bad choice.

    However, it depends on what the rest of your diet is, if you're not meeting minimum fat, protein or vitamin/mineral R.D.A.s regularly then something else might be more appropriate.


    There's your comprehensive answer.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I typically choose laughing cow cheese wedge with Triskets, apple, string cheese, cucumbers slices with Ken's light Italian dressing or Greek yogurt.
  • milesraymond
    milesraymond Posts: 4 Member
    Thank You all for your advice. I logged on today with this very same question, and now I've seen some answers. At the end of the day I've been snacking on high carb items, including candy. I will change tonight (after going to the store on my way home).
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    there is NOTHING wrong with snacking on higher carb options if they satiate you...some ppl find fats satiating, others find carbs fill them up
  • Opalescent_Topaz
    Opalescent_Topaz Posts: 130 Member
    No one food is healthy or unhealthy to you. It's the amount and it's contrast to the rest of your diet that is what makes stuff healthy or unhealthy. Popcorn (Air popped kind) is a good source of B Vitamins, Magnesium, Potassium & Other Minerals and Fibre, for a low calorie filling snack it's not a bad choice.

    However, it depends on what the rest of your diet is, if you're not meeting minimum fat, protein or vitamin/mineral R.D.A.s regularly then something else might be more appropriate.


    This is incredibly helpful. Thank you.
  • lalawaterlala
    lalawaterlala Posts: 56 Member
    Low carb veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, rice cakes, dried seaweed, apples, plums, WATER