Gold Standard Group (Open Group)

tilaisabel Posts: 31
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
I apologize for how long this is! Since this is the intro week I want to make sure I explain everything to avoid any confusion 

Total members: 17

Name of members:


Theme: Golden Age of Hollywood

Group Quote: “The golden age is before us, not behind us.” -- Unknown

Group Name: To be determined by voting. Name is meant to represent what this time period was all about. I want group members to suggest names and I will pick top three and have the group vote on which is the all time favorite. Until a final name has been voted on I will call us the Gold Standard group in honor of the golden age of Hollywood. Please keep names to no more than 4 words long.

Description: What is the Gold Standard group all about?

This group will come to symbolize what the golden era of Hollywood was all about. The leading ladies and men of the time were elegant, graceful, beautiful, charming and captivating. They were all this and more without looking ill, looked healthy and did their craft phenomenally. I want us to personify this in that what we will be doing we will do gracefully, beautifully and take the world’s breath away as we reach our goals.

I highly recommend choosing a leading lady or man that you feel symbolizes your idea of the gold standard. This person can be from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or 60’s. My leading lady is Rita Hayworth because she was Latina, beautiful, curvaceous and extremely talented. She was a bombshell and I consider her my gold standard.

I would be more than happy to explain. The Gold Standard group is a group aimed at encouraging success and achieving dreams. While other groups focus on only having people pair up and only those two focus on one another, I want our group to become an inclusive family that looks out and highly motivates each member. Remember, we are stronger in numbers and when it comes to support the more we have the more fire we will have to get our work done. Every member is required to set a goal for themselves that they know they can accomplish by certain time periods. This group is not about “if I run two miles you better run them with me too”. Every person is different, every body works differently. What works for one person will not work for the other the same way in the same amount of time. However, we all can agree that we have goals we would like to meet by a certain time. Aside from loosing pounds (which is always a bonus) I want our main focus to be changing bad habits into positive lifestyles. If there is something you struggle with now (eating healthy meals, drinking enough water, getting enough exercise) you will be required in this group to acknowledge negative habits and show how you plan to change them. Although this group is not forcing specific results to occur by a deadline you are required to show commitment and dedication. We all are here because we need that extra push and if your not here to join for that reason then this isn’t the group for you!

There will be two time periods we will all be working towards: main event and mini challenge. The main event periods consist of times that people generally want to look and feel their best. In our case our first main event will be new years. Our first mini challenge will be Valentines Day. The reason why I didn’t choose a mini challenge earlier is because we all can agree that New Years takes priority over all the little holidays to looks fabulous in.

I will set up “homework” for the group that consists of activities aimed at brining all of us closer together by getting to know our habits and together working on them to change them for the better. The posts will be aimed at addressing three areas:

1.) Nutrition- eating habits (are you eating enough fruits, veggies, good variety, what you like, dislike, suggestions to break plateaus, etc)
a. Challenges: You need to set up a challenge for yourself each week to change a bad habit. Maybe less chocolate, more veggies, cutting eating out as much etc. Only way your body will be healthier is if you feed it the right stuff!!
2.) Exercise- (are you including cardio, strength training, what are your habits, dvds your working on, routines, etc)
a. Challenges: Don’t be afraid to up the speed a little on the treadmill, the incline, maybe 10 more minutes? Challenge yourself to get your body that extra edge so you don’t hit plateaus right away!
3.) Personal reflection- I believe in working just as hard within ourselves as we would on the outside. I will post quotes that group members will be required to reflect on and see how this applies to their personal journey. Your thoughts are amazing, valuable. Your words of wisdom reflecting the quotes will inspire us how to think about our struggles and what we can do to over come this. Your words will encourage others to not give up and continue working hard.

Requirement: I ask that everyone be honest in their posts, even if we feel embarrassed, ashamed or disappointed. The only way we can help one another is if we know what the problem is. No one is perfect and we will make mistakes. However, the only way to learn from them and move on is to be willing to accept the mistakes, the work needed to remedy this and accept the love and support this group has to offer. (I feel like such a mother hen) lol.

I am very excited to begin this group with all of you. I want to let everyone know that they can be comfortable in trusting me with any questions, comments or concerns about the group. If anyone feels they need to ask me something in private please feel free to message me on MFP or by email ( and I will do my best to reply immediately. Anything you tell me in private, stays in private. I am always open to suggestions and I want all of us to OWN this group! We are here for one another. We are here to celebrate together, pick each other up and be our best cheer group. Although this is your personal journey I know we can all say that we would definitely love helping and supporting one another. This group will be your extended family. Only love, support, dedication, commitment (and if needed), tough love will be shown here. No one person is more important than the other here. We are all beautiful, amazing, powerful and inspiring beyond measure. Don’t just be anyone, be the gold standard of yourself!!

How to check in?

I do a weekly weigh in every Friday. I know some people are used to doing every two weeks, possibly everyday… If we have a set date on which we all come together to report our numbers I feel we will all be closer together in celebrating and motivating each other. I would like to have every member check in every Friday to explain how they are doing. I will put a new post every Friday so that every member can comment.

Final words: This group is here for one another. I am always here to offer encouragement, kind words, and suggestions or lend a hand in anyway I can. Remember to check in often with group members as posts are displayed. Keeping in touch is key for this group to make it. Keep an eye out for posts, assignments and discussions that come about. As I close this first post I just want to say how proud I am of each and every one of you. No matter how many members join I will always be here for each of you to help guide along the way. Remember: we are strong, we are capable, we are beautiful beyond measure. Be the gold standard of yourself!!!

Assignment 1: Both tasks due by Friday!

Task 1:
Main event 1 has been set for January 1st, 2012. I cannot wait to look and feel fabulous for this awesome time!! I would love for each member to post what is their goal for lbs lost for this date. Once every member has commented I will be writing this down in a journal in order to help keep tabs on everyone. On Jan. 1st I will list everyone’s weight now, weight then and their weight loss. Get ready everyone, New Years is about to be a hell of a lot sexier!!!!! ;)

Current weight: 212.4
Goal weight: 180
Lbs to be lost: 32 lbs

Task 2:
Choose your leading man or lady to represent your gold standard and make them your signature!(*note: I am not sure how you have the picture come out as your signature exactly so if anyone knows I would appreciate the info! If it is not possible then just state who your having as your gold standard and why!)
Rita Hayworth will be my leading lady. Who will be yours? ;)

Assignment 2: will be posted on Friday. Be prepared to log in weight loss for the week then as well as work on a few questions that will be posted!


  • annika27
    annika27 Posts: 56
    I love the idea! But, I'm not very familiar with the theme, so maybe people could post ideas for leading men and ladies?
    I want someone sexy, but with meat on her bones. If anyone has any ideas for me, I would love to hear them :)
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    Ok...Starting with assignment number one :-) I'm leaning towards Marilyn Monroe for my leading lady!

    #1) Currently I weigh 135. I don't own a scale at home, I use the one at my boyfriend's house so it is tough for me to weigh in in the AM same time. Usually I get to weigh myself after a full day of eating and exercise which is always off. But, I will do my best for this competition to get over to his house before work Friday AM and weigh myself :-) I have been pretty much stuck here at 135 (from 155) for a solid amount of time. I continue to lose inches and tone, but not necessarily weight. I may be at my personal "ideal" weight, but I would LOVE to see 130 or 128 on the scale. So...for this group I will put my weight loss goal at 5 pounds. I will also add a goal for inches all around and for muscle tone: For inches, Bust remain 34, Waist currently 26.5, would love to see 25, Hips currently 36, would like to see 35 if I see 25 in the waist, thighs currently 19 or 20, 18 would be awesome! For the muscle tone goals, I would love to go from a two pack to a four pack and tighten my lower abs a bit more. Also, See more definition in my arms specifically tricep area. I also want to add a personal running goal for myself: To have a consistent 8 minute mile range for pace for all races by January 1st!

    #2) I will on it to find pictures and find out how to add pictures into the sig :-) I will also add picture of myself currently so there are ones to compare to since the weight loss may not happen for me but inches will!

    So excited to be a part of this :-)
  • sparetirebegone
    sparetirebegone Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for starting this, really looking forward to things to come!

    My leading lady is Audrey Hepburn because she is just a timeless beauty! My favorite quote of hers is "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"

    My current weight is 190. I have to admit, I'm an obsessive weigher, lol! I am on the scale almost every morning, expecially the mornings after I had a bad to see what the damage is!! Usually if I gain significantly, it puts me in check and I continue doing well the rest of the week. My official weigh in day is Friday, so this works out perfectly! I tend to be a yo-yo dieter....I will start seeing results, get cocky, and start stuffing my face again. It's a never ending circle for me but I am working on it! My short term goal is to lose 20 lbs and long term goal (main event) is to lose 40 lbs. I really need to incorporate strength training into my routine, I am a cardio junkie.....Zumba being my drug!! In addition to that, I love kickboxing and piloxing. I really would love to see less wobbly bits if you know what I mean!

    So excited to be part of the group!
  • sparetirebegone
    sparetirebegone Posts: 92 Member
    You can add a picture to your ticker of your leading lady/man....That is the only way I know how to add a pic!
  • kiwibandit
    kiwibandit Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for starting this!

    My leading lady is Audrey Hepburn because she is just a timeless beauty! My favorite quote of hers is "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."

    My current weight is 170. I do tend to weigh myself 3-4 times a week. Weighing myself so often sometimes stresses me out. But I tend to weigh myself in the mornings so at least that is consistent. I just realized that I am quite a yo-yo dieter. it seems that i'll lose a lot of weight, then gain a lot of it back due to my laziness. I tend to get to my goal weight and then all hell breaks loose! As for videos, i have been doing the 30 day shred. Its tough... I can tell you that much. But i have also been inactive for quite a while as well. I am looking into incorporating some pilates videos into my routine, but have not been able to decide on which one. Has anyone been doing any pilates videos?

    Current weight: 170
    Goal weight: 145
    Lbs to be lost: 25 lbs

    I would really love to tone up and lose the chunky bits or at least reduce them! :)
  • annika27
    annika27 Posts: 56
    I am gonna go with Betty Grable, just because I think she is fabulous. I love this quote of hers, becaue it represents my racing career :)

    “Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes"; They will say, "Women don't have what it takes";”

    current weight: 179
    goal by new years: 160
    weight to lose: 19 lbs
  • I am so excited to be part of this group! I really want to thank tilaisabel for putting so much thought and effort into this!

    Beginning with Assignment No. 1/Task 2 I have decided that Elizabeth Taylor will be my leading lady. She struggled with weight gain/loss while always in the public eye. One of her many famous quotes embodies all of us and the journey that we are on "It's all about hope, kindness and a connection with one another.” That is what our journey together is all about.

    Assignment 1: - Task 1:

    For the Main event I would love to have lost 10lbs (altogether I would like to lose 18-20lbs).

    Current weight: 149 (today - my weight can fluctuate by 1-2 lbs every day)
    Goal weight: 130
    Lbs to be lost: 19 lbs


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I'm excited to be a part of this group!

    CW: 182
    GW: 160 (by NY)
    Loss: 22 lbs.

    2) I've choses Katharine Hepburn as my leading lady because she was strong and independent. A quote i like from her:

    "As one goes through life one learns that if you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move." KATHARINE HEPBURN, Me: Stories of My Life

    I also plan on making specific work out and diet goals, but would like to get a little further in before I set those in stone. I can't wait to get you know you all and help each other out!
  • Ok...Starting with assignment number one :-) I'm leaning towards Marilyn Monroe for my leading lady!

    #1) Currently I weigh 135. I don't own a scale at home, I use the one at my boyfriend's house so it is tough for me to weigh in in the AM same time. Usually I get to weigh myself after a full day of eating and exercise which is always off. But, I will do my best for this competition to get over to his house before work Friday AM and weigh myself :-) I have been pretty much stuck here at 135 (from 155) for a solid amount of time. I continue to lose inches and tone, but not necessarily weight. I may be at my personal "ideal" weight, but I would LOVE to see 130 or 128 on the scale. So...for this group I will put my weight loss goal at 5 pounds. I will also add a goal for inches all around and for muscle tone: For inches, Bust remain 34, Waist currently 26.5, would love to see 25, Hips currently 36, would like to see 35 if I see 25 in the waist, thighs currently 19 or 20, 18 would be awesome! For the muscle tone goals, I would love to go from a two pack to a four pack and tighten my lower abs a bit more. Also, See more definition in my arms specifically tricep area. I also want to add a personal running goal for myself: To have a consistent 8 minute mile range for pace for all races by January 1st!

    #2) I will on it to find pictures and find out how to add pictures into the sig :-) I will also add picture of myself currently so there are ones to compare to since the weight loss may not happen for me but inches will!

    So excited to be a part of this :-)

    Excellent choice for your leading lady! Marilyn Monroe was a woman known and glorified for her curves. She was sexy and she knew that her appeal charmed the world! I tip my hat off to ya at being already at an ideal weight! Usually the last few lbs can be the toughest to loose, however, the amazing goals your setting (especially the running) will get you there! I too would love to tone up a bit, especially in the stomach area. Adding weights every other day or so will help you get those sexy, toned arms. As far as the weigh in goes, feel free to place your post anytime your ready. Generally most groups have a certain day we all check in with one another and see how our goals are met. I chose Friday because I know weekends are not very good for most of us lol. However, in this group we will be discussing and working on weekend eating habits too! I love your energy and I am soo happy you are part of our group! Welcome!
  • Thanks for starting this, really looking forward to things to come!

    My leading lady is Audrey Hepburn because she is just a timeless beauty! My favorite quote of hers is "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"

    My current weight is 190. I have to admit, I'm an obsessive weigher, lol! I am on the scale almost every morning, expecially the mornings after I had a bad to see what the damage is!! Usually if I gain significantly, it puts me in check and I continue doing well the rest of the week. My official weigh in day is Friday, so this works out perfectly! I tend to be a yo-yo dieter....I will start seeing results, get cocky, and start stuffing my face again. It's a never ending circle for me but I am working on it! My short term goal is to lose 20 lbs and long term goal (main event) is to lose 40 lbs. I really need to incorporate strength training into my routine, I am a cardio junkie.....Zumba being my drug!! In addition to that, I love kickboxing and piloxing. I really would love to see less wobbly bits if you know what I mean!

    So excited to be part of the group!

    First and foremost, thank you for joining the group! I am more than happy to be here with all of you who in my opinion are the true leading ladies.

    Audrey Hepburn defines what it means to be a leading classic lady. She was beautiful, intelligent, humble and loving. Her quotes reflect her opinion on life and how we can all learn a little more about it.

    I too admit I am an obsessive weigher *blush*! I usually weigh myself every morning out of habit. Although Friday is when I officially record my weight I have found that by weighing myself in the morning I can see if I did well the day before. If I ate bad the day before the scale really kicks my butt for having been bad! I too agree with you that by checking in this way it reminds me what am I doing well or bad and that I cant wait too long to change that!

    We must always be happy to see our results and feel good about ourselves. It is not uncommon that because we see the great results we want to eat to celebrate and in a way this sets us back. I love the goals you have set for yourself for short and long term. Try including weights as part of your strength training before you do cardio. You will notice your body warming up, heart beat raise up and feel energizes to kick butt in cardio!!

    I am excited to see you a part of our group!! Welcome and may the good times begin!
  • Thanks for starting this!

    My leading lady is Audrey Hepburn because she is just a timeless beauty! My favorite quote of hers is "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."

    My current weight is 170. I do tend to weigh myself 3-4 times a week. Weighing myself so often sometimes stresses me out. But I tend to weigh myself in the mornings so at least that is consistent. I just realized that I am quite a yo-yo dieter. it seems that i'll lose a lot of weight, then gain a lot of it back due to my laziness. I tend to get to my goal weight and then all hell breaks loose! As for videos, i have been doing the 30 day shred. Its tough... I can tell you that much. But i have also been inactive for quite a while as well. I am looking into incorporating some pilates videos into my routine, but have not been able to decide on which one. Has anyone been doing any pilates videos?

    Current weight: 170
    Goal weight: 145
    Lbs to be lost: 25 lbs

    I would really love to tone up and lose the chunky bits or at least reduce them! :)

    Hello! Thank you for being a part of our group and I look forward in working closely with you and our other leading ladies!

    Audrey Hepburn is timeless. Her beauty and charm captivated the world and still does to this day. Her quote hits dead on to our mission. We need to help ourselves before we can help other people. In this group we will be focusing on helping each other grow, develop, evolve into being the true leading lady we know we are! When we tap into that, we can help countless others do the same as well!

    I too tend to weigh myself a lot and because we constantly see the numbers all the time it can be a stressor. Mornings is best because that’s when your body is “empty” in a way without the food and swelling developed during the day. Once we reach our goal weight it can be difficult to continue on with a routine because we already feel that we are there, so why bother anymore? But we all need to learn that when our body is finally at the goal we set it is then we need to go into care taking mode. The way I see it, we as women take care of soo many people. For example, mothers always look after their child even when they are full grown. Even though the child is capable of being on their own mothers still tend to be there. That is how we must see our bodies when we reach our goal. Just because we are “grown” doesn’t mean we stop caring!

    I have never tried pilates but I hear it does WONDERS for every inch of the body. It tones and revitalizes you. I definitely suggest it and I would love to try it one day! Pilates would help you tone up and reduce any “chunky” parts that may exist!
  • I am gonna go with Betty Grable, just because I think she is fabulous. I love this quote of hers, becaue it represents my racing career :)

    “Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes"; They will say, "Women don't have what it takes";”

    current weight: 179
    goal by new years: 160
    weight to lose: 19 lbs

    I want to extend an official welcome to the group! Thank you for taking the time to show your commitment and excitement for the group.

    Betty Grable was amazing. Her legs were to die for! I love the quote you chose because in a way we as women have a lot to prove. We not only have to show that we are smart enough, but also, beautiful enough by any means possible. The purpose of this group is to help all of us develop into the amazing women we are and prove to the world that we did what we did BECAUSE WE CAN! Very good goal set by new years! Let the sexy woman in all of us begin to come out, one day at a time!
  • I am so excited to be part of this group! I really want to thank tilaisabel for putting so much thought and effort into this!

    Beginning with Assignment No. 1/Task 2 I have decided that Elizabeth Taylor will be my leading lady. She struggled with weight gain/loss while always in the public eye. One of her many famous quotes embodies all of us and the journey that we are on "It's all about hope, kindness and a connection with one another.” That is what our journey together is all about.

    Assignment 1: - Task 1:

    For the Main event I would love to have lost 10lbs (altogether I would like to lose 18-20lbs).

    Current weight: 149 (today - my weight can fluctuate by 1-2 lbs every day)
    Goal weight: 130
    Lbs to be lost: 19 lbs


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I am so happy you are part of the group as well! I am happy to be here with all of you, my leading ladies, and together work on our goals and dreams.

    Elizabeth Taylor was breath taking. She was a true lady because she always held her head high with dignity and grace. Our journey indeed is about being connected with one another here and giving each other the love and support we need. We all want the same thing: to be our very own leading lady and indeed that is what we already are. Our transformation begins now! With every breath we take, every thought we have. Every cell in our body has to be re directed in truly embracing our own inner leading lady and know we are beautiful and amazing beyond measure and as we get closer to our goals we are giving our leading lady the permission and freedom to captivate the world!

    Very good goal set for the main event! We all will be here to support you and offer love and guidance along the way! It is time to let that sexy woman out for new years!
  • Hello! I'm excited to be a part of this group!

    CW: 182
    GW: 160 (by NY)
    Loss: 22 lbs.

    2) I've choses Katharine Hepburn as my leading lady because she was strong and independent. A quote i like from her:

    "As one goes through life one learns that if you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move." KATHARINE HEPBURN, Me: Stories of My Life

    I also plan on making specific work out and diet goals, but would like to get a little further in before I set those in stone. I can't wait to get you know you all and help each other out!

    Hi there! I am very happy to see you as part of the group! I am proud that I will be able to work alongside you and other leading ladies as we get to our goals on this journey!

    Katherine Hepburn was indeed strong and independent. She dared the world to not appreciate her beauty, her wit, her talent and charm. I love this quote because the way I interpret it is, don’t start a journey your not willing to commit too. We all have had that problem in the past. We get excited, get motivated and then some time later we just stop. This group will be your life support on that canoe. When you feel tired, unmotivated or just plain wanna give up, the group will be right behind you pushing you to pick back up that paddle and move on!

    I am happy that we all will get to know you and together we will set out goals that you feel will help you reach your dreams!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    #1 Carmen Miranda- She's a great dancer, actress..loved her in the movies!

    #2 Main Event goal by New Year's 10-15lbs loss
    I'm soo excited to get this going with Awesome people here on this site! We all need that kind of support and motivation to keep us going!!
    Thanks so much for starting this up!!
  • #1 Carmen Miranda- She's a great dancer, actress..loved her in the movies!

    #2 Main Event goal by New Year's 10-15lbs loss
    I'm soo excited to get this going with Awesome people here on this site! We all need that kind of support and motivation to keep us going!!
    Thanks so much for starting this up!!

    Hi there! Welcome to the group and you will definitely find support here. We all want the same thing: love, support and guidance as we find the leading lady within us and I promise you that you will find that here!

    Carmen Miranda is gorgeous!! She is phenomenal and such an exotic beauty; excellent choice! Your main event goal rocks and we are gonna get there one day at a time!!
  • phedre87
    phedre87 Posts: 10
    This is great, I think this group is exactly what I need. So for task #1--I currently weigh 161 and would like to weigh 130 by New Years. So 31 pounds total to be lost. Task #2--I'm going with Marilyn Monroe she's curvy but beautiful!
  • longin2bsexy
    longin2bsexy Posts: 42 Member
    So glad to be part of the group!!!!

    Task 1 - I would like to lose 40 lbs by New Years. That would put me back in onederland!!!

    Task 2- I don't know many leading ladies from that era but I do love Marilyn Monroe... She is beautiful and isn't a size 0.

    Good Luck to everyone!!!!
  • lelaunt
    lelaunt Posts: 13
    Wow!! Great job on this page =) Makes me wanna get off my office chair and do some exercise now. What an initiative! *applaud tilaisabel*

    Task 1 - Marilyn Monroe, definitely. She has flawless skin, not stick thin like current models, has a rather noticeable mole, which was used to be thought of as a flaw, on her face which she made SEXY, looks great in everything she wears and always look cool, poise, elegant, sexy, confident and simply amazing all the time.

    Task 2. As from Monday (went to gym and had a weigh in session) I was 77kg... which is... 169 lb. And I want to set a goal of 70kg.... which is... 154 lb. and that's a 7kg (15 lb) loss. I'll weight in every Friday starting next week, as the gym only weighs me every month. =)
This discussion has been closed.