Looking to lose 75 pounds or more?

Hi all,

I'd be keen to get some more friends who are in this for the long haul and looking to lose 75lb or more!

It'd also be great to meet people who are on track to reaching this goal.

Please add me and we can support each other on this epic journey.

All the best,

Katie :)


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    70ish was my intial goal, lost 30lbs, gained a few back in muscle, then a few more in fat, onward to lose the next 40lbs. I'll pop you an add.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    My goal is to lose 85 lbs or so to get back into my healthy weight range and not be considered obese. I'll send you a friend request.
  • MamaLily0824
    MamaLily0824 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose twice that, lol! Adding you!
  • lgrix
    lgrix Posts: 160 Member
    Will send a request, looking to lose 40
  • LiIyGrace
    LiIyGrace Posts: 46 Member
    I sent a request. Also, anyone feel free to add me! More friends, the better! Ultimately I want to lose about 80-90 lbs (short term is 56 lbs for an August goal).
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I want to lose a total of 77lbs. Currently down 17-19 (depends on the day ;) ) I'll send you a friend request.
  • RetiredinGeorgia
    RetiredinGeorgia Posts: 45 Member
    Lost 100. Need to lose 20 more. Add me if interested.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    My UG is to lose 80 lbs. I have lost 15 so far but you can add me as well!
  • Dawnxre
    Dawnxre Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'll be here for awhile, as I have a little over 100 pounds to lose. Good luck on your journey.
  • Ryewhisky75
    Ryewhisky75 Posts: 26 Member
    I want to lose 85lbs, feel free to add me as well :)
  • HelloKittyFan1998
    HelloKittyFan1998 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm wanting to lose about 83 to 88 pounds. I'll friend you so we can support each other in our journey! :)
  • lovefrenchies
    lovefrenchies Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to lose 80 lbs. I have been on this 2.5 weeks and it is going great. Cravings gone, no problem not eating in between meals, feel great, etc. I have lost a significant amount of weight in my belly. I don't know the numbers because I will not weigh myself. Weighed in on the day I started, but that is it. The scale if a total mind eff and the devil (to me). I have not problem whatsoever not weighing myself. I can tell by how I look and my clothes that I am doing well.
  • kosseychick
    kosseychick Posts: 244 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 80 lbs.. not sure how to add friends.. but you are more than welcome to add me as a friend.
  • lamentableone
    lamentableone Posts: 13 Member
    Looking for friends as well, feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Mothercroft
    Mothercroft Posts: 3 Member
    Looking for friends too! I have 81 pounds to lose and would love to share each others journeys
  • hwerth
    hwerth Posts: 3 Member
    I’m looking for friends too.. I can’t figure out how to add anyone.. I have 80lbs I want to loose.
  • Caroledeegee
    Caroledeegee Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I have 86lbs to lost and starting again tomorrow. Please feel free to add me for two way support and motivation.
  • Ryewhisky75
    Ryewhisky75 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm adding people too. Go to Community, Find Members, type in the name and click add friend on the next screen :)
  • AvianDB
    AvianDB Posts: 56 Member
    edited March 2019
    I started last August, lost about 61 pounds and joined MFP afterwards in January, now have lost about 80 pounds with 24 to go! Always looking for friends to share the fun of the journey with, feel free to send me a friend request!
  • Roxyroller88
    Roxyroller88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi :)
    I'm new here and started a little over a week ago. I want to lose about 40-50lbs and it's all feeling a little daunting right now! Looking for some friend for extra motivation. Feel free to add me!