Hello again, looking for mummy friends

Hi my name is kirsty, I'm 35 and 3 months post partum with my 3rd baby in 4 years.
I want to loose weight but I really want to be fit and healthy to inspire my girls.
Anyone able to support and give advice on how to fit in exercise with kids in tow please friend me 😄


  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    My youngest is 5 now but I joined mfp when my middle child (now 7) was a few months old. I did excercise dvds when they had their naps or were in bed...if my older ones (2years apart) wouldn't nap they joined in. Something like Gillian Michaels 30 day Shred worked well as it's only just over 20mins long
  • princessofcute
    princessofcute Posts: 1 Member
    Pushing your kids around in a stroller and maybe one in a carrier is a thought. I did that because that’s how my son would nap but it did bring my weight down.