Has anyone tried hypnosis or accupuncture to get rid of food

I am really struggling with food addiction. I tell myself everyday that I want to change and do right by my body, but I find myself always craving and caving in to foods that will not love me back!!

On a personal note, I attend weekly therapy to address my emotional concerns and my relationship with food, but I've been wondering about hypnosis and accupuncture to assist in weight loss.

I feel desperate! Has anyone had success with either or both of these?


  • My therapist recommended hypnosis for me. It is a series of mp3s that you are supposed to listen to daily. I can't say that it has changed my life but I have noticed some subtle changes in my thinking about food. The series that I have is by Roberta Temes and titled Enjoying Weight Loss. It never hurts to try.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I'm actually getting an acupuncture treatment tonight, and one of the things we will be treating is weight loss. They stick little needles in your ears and that pressure point helps suppress the appetite.

    But that only helps with the appetite.

    For you, if you know it's truly an addiction, I'd try the hypnosis. Have you done any therapy for it? It's my understanding that people who are truly addicted to food, there is another issue buried deep down and the overeating is a symptom of the problem.

    God bless!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I thing hypnosis has helped many people (if you do a search on the threads you might find some) but sadly it wasn't the 'magic wand' i'd hoped it would be for me. I think I was just too stubborn! But you'll probably find some who say it has really helped. In all honesty the best thing for me has been MFP, logging my food, support from friends here (amazing) and the message boards. Do let us know how you get on as I'm always touched by stories of hypnosis success! I do believe the mind is a powerful thing.
    Am going to watch this thread with interest!
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm going to ask my regular therapist tomorrow if she can recommend anyone! I need to do something!