Help!!! Extremely weak and unsure of the cause.

I need help. I originally started my weight loss journey eating 1200 calories a day with a daily calorie burn (from exercise) of 500-600, as well as drinking 10-14 glasses of water daily. I recently added using an elliptical to my workout routine so now my daily calorie burn is about 8oo. After adding this new routine I also increased my daily calorie allotment to 1300-1400 (I end up usually eating 1350 max). However over the past week or so I have been feeling overwhelmingly weak. Usually by mid day I start feeling extremely weak and sometimes I even take a 3 hour nap after coming home from work. I know should be eating more protein, but I don’t know how much or if I am doing something else wrong that is causing me to feel this way. Any help is appreciated! Thanks…


  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    youre probably weak because youre netting 600 calories. That cant be healthy..................
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Try boosting up your calorie intake a little more, drink lots of water. However, I would suggest going to see a doctor. It could be something more serious.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    yeah you have to eat more.. thats number 1... and number 2.. it could be low iron... is your hair greasy? if you feel tired... that could be it.. try taking the 1 a days...
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    youre probably weak because youre netting 600 calories. That cant be healthy..................

    ^^^^^ This ^^^^^

    You need to eat more or exercise less.:flowerforyou:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    First, seek medical advice. But, I am guessing you are overdoing the exercise and under doing the eating. There are other things that can cause fatigue and weakness, such as low blood sugar and low iron just to name a couple. Really, you should consult your doctor.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    You could be over-training too.
  • iue850dave
    Try ISOFLEX protein powder in strawberry. It tasts great and has 27 grams of protein for just over a 100 caleries per scoop. Do two scoops a day and I am sure it will help
  • BrittaneyHG
    BrittaneyHG Posts: 98 Member
    I drink a Whey 100% protein shake right after my work out.(GNC) And i also take a One A Day vitamin.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    EAT MORE!!!

    You MUST no doubt about it eat more than your BMR. I don't care what any diet tells you, it is completely unhealthy to eat less than that.
  • SimplyDeLish
    First, seek medical advice. But, I am guessing you are overdoing the exercise and under doing the eating. There are other things that can cause fatigue and weakness, such as low blood sugar and low iron just to name a couple. Really, you should consult your doctor.

    Agree that you need to seek medical advice. Also agree that you aren't getting the calories you need with that amount of exercise - and therefore most likely losing muscle, which can cause weakness.
  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    I had blood work done a couple of weeks ago and everything came back normal. I will also look into the protein powder. But if I need to eat more calories how many more do I need to add? I want to lose weight, and to lose don't I need some sort of deficit?
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You only need a deficit of 500 a day. You need to eat some of your exercise calories back (MFP has already calculated your deficit). And every 4 months or so, you need a break. :flowerforyou:
  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    You only need a deficit of 500 a day. You need to eat some of your exercise calories back (MFP has already calculated your deficit). And every 4 months or so, you need a break. :flowerforyou:

    That makes a lot of very good sense. Thank you so much :D
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Sounds like you're REALLY not eating enough. Please, PLEASE read these.

    Please. :flowerforyou:
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    d**m girl, eat!
    and get some mega supplements in you like magnesium, calcium, b1, b3...

    Extremely important to have those minerals in you because you can't metabolize w/o them. Also, b1, b3 important because they are probably depleted, along w/ your minerals, and until you up your minerals your body can't digest and synthesize the vitamins!!!

    angstrom minerals are liquid supplements that any natropathic doc. can dose you correctly on. You can order them online. Go liquid for maximum absorbsion.

  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you all for the advice, I now realize that in order for me to keep functioning I need to eat more. It may be a hard pill to swallow (ie when you are dieting you are afraid to eat more because you want to lose not gain) but I will work on eating more of my exercise calories back.