Diagnose me please...



  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    and please don't tell me to go to the doctor. Just looking for someone who may have a similar problem.

    I get dizzy when I stand up. Nealy every time I stand up, the room spins a bit and then my eyes refocus and I'm fine. I drink water - not as much as I should, but about 6 glasses per day on average. So, I don't think I'm dehydrated. I've never had Blood Pressure problems, either high or low. I eat enough. Work out a lot. Any ideas out there in MFP land?
    i have that EXACT problem..maybe it is dehydration, i don't drink as much as i shold either..mine is like i get 3 second blackouts..kinda scary, never had it as much in the rest of my life as i have recently..good luck

    3 second blackouts does sound scary, I think you really should go see your Dr. about that.
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    If you don't want to go to the doctor, call the advice nurse. Don't have random people diagnose you. I assume you care about your health since you're on MFP. So don't take shortcuts.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    It might be postural hypotension - blood pressure drops as you stand up. This can happen if you have cut your sodium intake too much. It could also be low blood sugar if you are not eating enough or leaving too long between meals.

    I second this. I had it after surgery. They pumped me full of fluids and no more dizzy me.
  • shele75
    shele75 Posts: 29
    vertigo ?
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    When I first started doing this I wasn't eating or drinking enough and my electrolytes got all out of whack. It made me really dizzy, light headed, headaches, shaky hands...I felt horrible. Once I started eating back some of my exercise calories and drinking more I felt better.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Okay ya'll...DUH DUH DUMMMMMM. I JUST made an appointment with the other Doctor in town, because you know, there really are only two doctors where I live. It's awesome.
    Glad you are going. I think it's the right choice.
    So, thanks to everyone who offered their opinions and suggestions. I find it VERY helpful to hear from people with similar issues to help narrow things down. And then if and when I do go to see a doctor, I can succinctly explain what I feel and what I suspect is going on.
    Gotta say, I think this is part of the problem - just like asking the Internet to diagnose your medical issues, getting a bunch of opinions to take with you to a doctor doesn't necessarily mean a better/more productive doctor's visit. Showing up with documented description of each occurrence YOU have experienced seems to me like it would make for the most productive visit. Not a list of things it *might* be based on others' advice.

    You seem to think that the advice of strangers somehow gives you more insight into what is going on with you. It doesn't. It only gives you more things to guess at. Which, really, is the doctor's job.

    Of course, I'm a stranger giving you advice. That isn't lost on me. But I'm saying go to someone you can see and interact with and talk to and ask questions and maybe has some kind of medical/healing background. Don't like doctors? Heck, go to an acupuncturist or homeopathy expert. Just see someone in person. And please, wear a hat. I don't want you getting sunburned.
    For everyone else who just wanted to scold me like I was their naughty child; have a really nice day!!!!
    Don't mean to scold you, only point out what I see as possibly dangerous behavior (at best, ill-informed). For what it's worth, I respect that you didn't get too bent out of shape when your post was challenged.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Are you sure its NOT herpes??
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    As a trained medical professional in the area of Nonexistentualism, I am hereto issuing the diagnosis of Hypochondriam with a secondary, slightly lesser diagnosis of Valetudinarianism.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Is it rabies?
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    do you need to eat more or more often? can't see into your diary so its hard to say if its a 'calories too low' reason. i have it happen every now and then and for me, it's usually because i am hungry.

    good luck with this! :-)
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I know you said you've had bloodwork, but do you know if she checked your Vitamin D levels? I have a deficiency in Vitamin D and now take 2,000 IUs daily. My vertigo is slowing improving and my heart flutters/quivers have stopped. It's amazing the symptoms a lack of Vit. D can cause.
  • FindingFit50s
    I know you said you've had bloodwork, but do you know if she checked your Vitamin D levels? I have a deficiency in Vitamin D and now take 2,000 IUs daily. My vertigo is slowing improving and my heart flutters/quivers have stopped. It's amazing the symptoms a lack of Vit. D can cause.

    SEE!! Panda Jack was right -- it is VD!!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Low blood sugar and or low bloo pressure
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Drum roll please...the results are in.

    I have low blood pressure. Sitting 100/70 and then when I stood up it dropped to 85/60. The Dr. was wondering how I was still standing! Let's get really personal here. I am a sweater. I'm a MAJOR sweater. I sweat when it's 60 degrees out. So, you can imagine that when I work out, I sweat profusely. I work out about 7 days a week - this equals buckets of sweat and sodium leaving my body.

    The prescription for this problem? Eat more sodium! Whoo hoo! I'm so excited about this. Doctor said that the amount of water I drink won't matter one lick of sweat unless I up my sodium intake. So, I do have that hypocentric thingy that a few of you mentioned.

    Long story longer, you MFP MD's are on the money. Nice work.
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    I'm so glad you were able to get an answer, and that it's something easily fixed. =)
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I'm so glad you were able to get an answer, and that it's something easily fixed. =)

    Thank you! Me too - it's just so weird because I've been particularly conscientious with my sodium intake lately. Apparently this was NOT helping my situation. Bring on the salt!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Oh and in other news; I also have Herpes.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    So, thanks to everyone who offered their opinions and suggestions. I find it VERY helpful to hear from people with similar issues to help narrow things down. And then if and when I do go to see a doctor, I can succinctly explain what I feel and what I suspect is going on.
    Gotta say, I think this is part of the problem - just like asking the Internet to diagnose your medical issues, getting a bunch of opinions to take with you to a doctor doesn't necessarily mean a better/more productive doctor's visit. Showing up with documented description of each occurrence YOU have experienced seems to me like it would make for the most productive visit. Not a list of things it *might* be based on others' advice.

    You seem to think that the advice of strangers somehow gives you more insight into what is going on with you. It doesn't. It only gives you more things to guess at. Which, really, is the doctor's job.

    Of course, I'm a stranger giving you advice. That isn't lost on me. But I'm saying go to someone you can see and interact with and talk to and ask questions and maybe has some kind of medical/healing background. Don't like doctors? Heck, go to an acupuncturist or homeopathy expert. Just see someone in person. And please, wear a hat. I don't want you getting sunburned.

    So, the doctor was super impressed with all of my knowledge and he told me that I had a huge brain. Just kidding - I told him I spent the afternoon on Google and developed a slight case of hypochondria and decided that I was knocking on death's door, so I called him. He was still impressed. But, I did get sunburned on my way to the doctor - I mean, I AM of Norwegian descent. And because YOU MADE me go to the doctor, therefore causing my sunburn, I'll be sending you my Dermatology bill.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Oh and in other news; I also have Herpes.

    I am so glad you figured out what the problem was. And I LOVE your sarcasm!!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Oh and in other news; I also have Herpes.
    So, the doctor was super impressed with all of my knowledge and he told me that I had a huge brain. Just kidding - I told him I spent the afternoon on Google and developed a slight case of hypochondria and decided that I was knocking on death's door, so I called him. He was still impressed. But, I did get sunburned on my way to the doctor - I mean, I AM of Norwegian descent. And because YOU MADE me go to the doctor, therefore causing my sunburn, I'll be sending you my Dermatology bill.
    Is this really going to end with you getting a solid solution from your doctor, you putting up with all the *kitten* we gave you for your post, then being good-natured about it, AND you're funny too?

    Where is the drama in that? ;)

    Glad you found an answer from a real-life doctor that you can address.