Help Me! I'm a Beer Monster!!!



  • CJsSweetMom
    CJsSweetMom Posts: 10 Member
    I allow myself a pint or two of stout a week, if my calories allow for it. I usually drink after running or Frisbee, which is supposed to be good for replenishing lost carbohydrates. I am down 7 lbs even with the beer drinking. My recommendation is that you just cut back. Everything in moderation :smile:
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I love me some beers too. I account for them in my calorie log, but I have a feeling that even when I count the calories, beer is just slowing my metabolism down to a halt. I actually bought some white wine and lemon/lime soda to make spritzers with, and they are very yummy and much lower calorie. But I still drink beer, lol, and I probably need to give it up if I want to make any serious progress.
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    Last year when I lost my first 20 lbs, I was drinking beer the whole time. And good beer. Clear beer is not beer. Its water. How? I ran. A lot. And I ate oatmeal for breakfast everyday. And snacked on veggies and fruit. And ran some more. I love running. Its best followed up with a cold pint with the boys. I was on a team that met at the bar and we celebrated a 5 miler with a pint.

    Now I'm starting a new 20 lbs. I still drink beer. And while I stopped running over the winter, I've started back up again and plan to hit the 13 mile mark by December.

    So, I think when I get off work tonight, I'm gonna hit up 4 miles and a pint. Yummy.

    Curious - were you always a runner?

    Not exactly. I would run for a few months, then stop. I did a tri once. I've ran some 5k's. But last year I started with the Couch to 5K and worked up to 5 miles in 5 months before winter. This year my goal is to finish the Couch to 10K and actually run through the winter. And into next summer rocking marathon status. I do best when I have plans that are very exact -- like the C25K and C210K. No plan and I quit.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    There is no such thing as a good alternative. Except cutting down on the beer.

    This makes me sad face.

    freaking LOVE that you said makes me sad face. haha

    Yeah, I rule pretty hard when it comes to talking gibberish.

    that isn't talkin' gibberish. what you speakin'??
  • iamrobyn
    iamrobyn Posts: 85
    My 'alternative' is a skinny girl margarita or pinnacle whipped cream vodka and diet gingerale. When a girl needs a drink, a girl needs a drink. Depriving myself wont be a long term solution for me.
  • Br00zR
    Br00zR Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and posts people.

    I've got a heavy one coming on Friday so I guess I'll just have to go a bit easier that usual, go some exercise to gain more cals and not at as much that day.

    This should be fun!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Oh aren't we all? Well... I'm a beer, wine, and hard liquor monster and I just finished a 85 list long beer challenge and then realized, holy hell I'm getting fat! Problem with that challenge is they were big heavy beers.

    Eating better is going to help you heaps... count your calories and if you have room for beer, drink away. Drink lower calorie beers like the ones on that website someone else posted. If you're cutting your calorie intake food-wise, you're going to get drunker faster anyways! If you're out with friends and need a drink in hand, get a water between beers... I know that's not manly but neither are man boobs! Just saying.... :)

    From one beer lover to another, good luck.
  • Br00zR
    Br00zR Posts: 40 Member
    Drink lower calorie beers like the ones on that website someone else posted.

    I wish more pubs and clubs stocked these!
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Light beer...which sucks. Let yourself have a guinness every once in a while, though! I know I'd go crazy if I didn't! Just make sure you work out a little more that day :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you truly love beer, then I say drink beer. But earn it with exercise. I suppose I am a wine monster. I love wine and I drink it every day. It also will (and did) add weight if I'm not regularly exercising. So now I work out every day and I drink wine every day. And I'm back down to a weight I'm comfortable with and still losing a lb or two per month.

    As for the take away food, my suggestion is to have plenty of healthy food on hand. If you are drinking in a bar this is HARD, as I'm sure you know. But if you are stopping at a drive thru after leaving the bar, then keep a bag of almonds or some other healthy munchie in your car. Snack on that till you get home. And have healthy foods that you like on hand at home.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I make my own beers AND I really like microbrews... but I can't have too much of it - get s***faced fast!
    I don't mind Beck's Light if I can find it, it's 64 cals. and has a lot higher alcohol content than the other super light beers. Tastes better than the other real light beers too.
  • Br00zR
    Br00zR Posts: 40 Member
    If you truly love beer, then I say drink beer. But earn it with exercise. I suppose I am a wine monster. I love wine and I drink it every day. It also will (and did) add weight if I'm not regularly exercising. So now I work out every day and I drink wine every day. And I'm back down to a weight I'm comfortable with and still losing a lb or two per month.

    As for the take away food, my suggestion is to have plenty of healthy food on hand. If you are drinking in a bar this is HARD, as I'm sure you know. But if you are stopping at a drive thru after leaving the bar, then keep a bag of almonds or some other healthy munchie in your car. Snack on that till you get home. And have healthy foods that you like on hand at home.

    Thanks for the advice, however I certainly wouldn't drive after drinking.

    I'll have to keep some healthy convenience food in my fridge.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Switch to Vodka.

    This might help for weight loss (but I doubt by much). But distilled liquor is harder on your organs than beer so if you drink a lot, you're probably better off sticking with beer.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I love my booze, but I know it's what's given me a gut. I made a "Booze" section in my food diary to see just how many calories I was throwing down my neck without a second thought, and it's scary!

    I've all but ditched the pints of lager and cider now, and drink bottles of light beer when I'm in the pub and wine at home. The light beer saves you 162 calories a pint, or 1,000 over the course of just six pints!

    The bottom line is you know and I know that cutting back the booze is the best way to go, but to lose weight with minimal lifestyle change, take your phone to the pub, log every (light) beer on MFP and stop when you reach your daily calorie limit.
  • Br00zR
    Br00zR Posts: 40 Member
    Coors Lite FTW!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Coors Lite FTW!
    Indeed, saves hundreds of calories, tastes good and Van Damme drinks it!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    drink only the best tasting craft beers - forget the lite beers they are no better than water with some colouring added. Plus you end up drinking loads to get an effect, whereas if you drink a really good beer (or a heavy stout) it's more about the taste with some side effects.

    Alternate beer with something non-alcoholic if you can face it.

    exercise before going out drinking, or after if you feel up to it (I find it the best cure for a hangover - sweats that stuff out!!!)

    eat properly before you go out, or even better, eat with your drink - do the continental thing and have dinner with friends and good food, you'll spend more time chatting you won't even notice you've had very little to drink.

    It is hard to lose weight and stay on the beers, but why torture yourself for the sake of smaller moobs?
  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    Moderation? may be not as often. Like a good brew or two myself.... my handle "eaglemonster" says it all eagle is a pint made by the Charles wells brewery, broke that habit now on larger..... disgusting stuff..... all to addictive.... I try and limit how often I put myself in harms way and only take enough cash for a moderated evening.
  • jjardina
    Switch to pot... it's not any safer, but far fewer calories man...

    I love the beer too; I have a 12 pack in the fridge right now. Its been in there for 3 days tempting me, but when I get the urge I go work out or play with the kids... I also drink a lot of water. I just started this week, so I don't know how long I can keep my fingers off the long necks. I try not to think about it. I might go buy a fifth of Jack and have a couple of shots on the weekend to get my groove on and then one beer to nurse for about an hour or two.

    Honestly, its all about moderation.

    Friend me, and the zombie chick too. We seem to have the same tastes. :drinker:
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Me too and I drink Guinness. I'm not on MFP that long so feel free to ignore me but....

    I have cut the booze down to Saturday and Sunday only, replaced some of the beer with wine and excercise lots on Sat/Sun in advance of drinking. I always keep under my permitted cals and am losing weight.

    Yes, I run for beer and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Good luck.