Best way to get lean

Hi all,

I am looking to lower my body fat with out bulking up. I am 5'7 and 172 lbs. Now. I would like to get to be 165 but with more muscle. I just want to be lean and toned. I have been going to the gym and lost 8 lbs already but can't see a difference. I have been only doing cardio. I have access to everything and get bored easily also. I also need structure or I roam around. Any suggestions?


  • jls1leather9497
    jls1leather9497 Posts: 90 Member
    The 'best' method is THE ONE YOU WILL USE.

    I like handball, but apparently I'm old and nobody does that any more ...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,427 MFP Moderator
    A well structured lifting routine, adequate protein (~140-170g) and a moderate deficit (~15%-20% below maintenance). And time. It's possible that if you don't have a good muscle base, that you might have to build up some muscle or go through a bulk/cut cycle or two.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Lifting heavy is what will get you toned. That's high intensity (heavy weights) low/med volume, about 5 reps per set.

    The best way to do this is to use a compound movement linear progression program where you start with an empty bar and add small weights after each successful lifting session to achieve progressive overload.

    I've done Strong Lifts in the past and it was OK for me. I've just started Greyskull LP and it seems to be suiting me better so far.

    As for the lean bit, that's all about what happens in the kitchen and at the dinner table.
  • ryantreadway942
    ryantreadway942 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the tip. I watch what I eat now and haven't cheated......close though. My weakness is my strength overall from never really hitting the weights regularly.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Yeah. I feel ya. I'm not the biggest fan of lifting either which is why I struggle to stick with it long term and usually go back to activities that I enjoy more (swimming, cycling, running, etc) but the benefits are undeniable so I get myself back into it as often as I can.

    The thing I'm liking most about the Greyskull program I just started is that a session only takes about 15 or so mins, 3 times a week. Since it takes such a short amount of time to bang out all the lifts and be done it feels like less of a PITA so much easier to get myself to just do it.