Nintendo WII-Wii fit

becki921 Posts: 6
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone tried the wii-fit and had any success with it? I have been looking in to it because it looks pretty interesting in the TV ads and online, but I've not really talked to anyone who uses it on a regular basis.


  • Has anyone tried the wii-fit and had any success with it? I have been looking in to it because it looks pretty interesting in the TV ads and online, but I've not really talked to anyone who uses it on a regular basis.
  • I absolutely love it. I use it regularly and definitely see results from it.
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    I love my wii fit I use it every day I'm not in the gym it works great when you can't get to the gym> It has been a benifit for my whole family my 13 year old pays around on it and my 4 year old loves wacthing me play
  • I love it too. It is fun and really handy. Good for all levels of fitness.
  • Charity776
    Charity776 Posts: 11 Member
    You really get a workout when you do the hula hoop! Plus they have additional games (jillian michaels and my fitness coach) that work really well. It is all about the amount of effort you put in.
    My Mom came out this week for a visit and tried it for the first time; she beat my hula hoop score by 18 (285 versus 303). My goal this week is to swing my hips until I blow that score out of the water :)
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    I love the Wii Fit! It is what got me started on my weight loss/get back in shape journey. I don't belong to a gym. I use the Wii and stationary bike. Since 1/9 I have lost 9 pounds. Recently I ordered my Fitness Coach from Amazon. They have it on sale with free shipping.
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    We got our Wii Fit for Christmas and I LOVE it :heart:

    Since I started using it in December (along with aqua fit classes twice a week) I've lost 14lbs. The last 10lbs has been since joining MFP too. A great combination... you get out of it what you put in... so it depends on how hard you push yourself!

    P.S. The hoola-hoops are my favourite part. I've unlocked the advanced one (10mins) and finally hit 3282 spins, my brother is still beating me by 10 spins... I'm determined to beat him. :bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I LOVE my wii fit! It took me forever to find one, but I think it is great! I am seeing changes, but I am also doing other workout dvd's along with the fit. I have lost over 5 inches in 2 weeks!! I did the fit for 30 minutes after I did my 40 minute Jillian Michaels workout dvd and didn't even realize I did it for that long! I aloo love the fact that it keep track of your BMI and weight. It even almost yells at you for missing a few days! I think this is a great tool to help in the weight loss battle.:heart:
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    We just got one a week ago. It's pretty good so far! I'm using it in conjunction with weight training and the elliptical cross trainer. Won't start really seeing results for another week I think (Today brings a close to week 2 of weight training, but is just the start off week for adding in the elliptical trainer for cardio as well as the Wii Fit exercises...).
  • I love it!! It is the best because you get a great workout and it is fun. I hate exercising and now I look forward to working out on the Wii. I like it to because it tracks your weight ect..... it encourages you and the balance games are fun I highly recommend it.

    Created by - Calorie Counter

  • the wii fit is quite fun actually. 2 mths after i gave birth, i started on this. It's quite easy to do ... it has yoga, strength, aerobics and balancing exercise.....
    and it can weigh u too.....and calculate ur BMI for will track ur progress.....
    clock in ur work out time....

    if u happen to know of ur close friends have this....go and try out first...then decide to buy...

    i'm looking into the outdoor challenge saving money....
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    My boss has a Wii. We did boxing matches at one of the company meetings. Man, I felt it, quite a workout. I think just about any game on the Wii will help because it requires actual movement other than your fingers. On my list to buy.
  • I'm actually buying one today! I've heard so many great things about it and I'm excited to try it out!
  • I have been using it for almost two weeks missing only 2 days (seems to be every thursday I miss). I have noticed my pants are fitting better, not as snug. One of my friends asked me if I had lost weight. Its fun to do. :smile: I have a competive nature so I love trying to take my kids and hubby out of first place. I didnt think I would like yoga but I have found that I like doing some of the poses. I use those as warm ups. I am not as breathless as I used to be. I do at least 30 minutes, working my way up to doing a hour. It was worth buying at least for me.
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I've just started doing a modified Wii Fit exercise. I've unlocked the free step option - where you can just do stepping for 30 minutes straight while watching something else (you just keep up with the clicks in the wii controller).

    I decided to make this more of a workout though, and stacked my Wii balance board on top of an aerobic step platform - and turned my 30 minute step workout into a 30 minute stair climbing workout. What a huge difference it made! I was sweating like crazy and had my heart rate up and going by the mid way point. I don't know if this is comparable to doing stair climbing on a machine, but I imagine it must be... and according to googling, stair climbing machines can burn anywhere from 200-300 calories every 30 minutes....
  • We have the WiiFit and we love it. My 3 yr old and six yr old each have Mii's and we all work out to see who can get the new top scores.:heart::happy: :heart: :happy: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • I got Wii fit for christmas and unless I am ill like at the moment I go on it every night and I have seen more results since using Wii fit than I did before I got it and was going to gym once a week. Even more fun if you play with the whole family and if you have any friends local that want to loss weight even more fun to play with them and set yourselves the same target and have an insentive to loss the weight. Like me and my friend we both decided we are going to loss 7lb's in amonth and who ever lossers that 7lb's first gets a pound. I know its only a pound but if no-one reachers the goal then we both have to pay £5 and that goes away for the next month and it keeps mounting up until one of us wins it.
  • Yep, Wii Fit makes for an awesome basic workout. I love the yoga, and the hula hoop! You break out a sweat and it's loads of fun! It's well work the hunt to find, and the money. =]
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