bodyfat testosterone and seman

bit of a odd question currently trying for a baby been for awhile now so exploring all paths bloods seman tests ect. recently had test done seman and count was really but morphology normal range is 4 im 3% so lower so I'm booked in for a retest I know diet can impact it and cause sperm to form bad lack of nutrients ect which I have I've went from 100kg bw 38%bf to currently 18ish 73kg I'm 5f6. another test was bloods for test it came back as 12.9 out of 27 low is classed as 9 so I'm normal range but I want to boost that also as i generally have no drive ect. so all round I want to be better. I was cutting at 1500 cals which as beyond hard to hit it all so increased to 2000 with 200 calories lost cardio so I can hit it all. anyway if I went from my current 18 ish bf to say 15bf would it increase test levels. does less bodyfat produce more. I am worried as we do want children. sorry long winded rant wondered if anyone knew


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Talk with your doctors about it, but dietary fat is important to hormonal functioning.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,746 Member
    Low calories, large deficits, and malnutrition can affect hormonal levels. Controlled slow bulk or extended maintenance may produce better results for you.
  • Lostinblac
    Lostinblac Posts: 81 Member
    thanks for your replys I have upped my calories to 2000 so on a slow cut now just to get the fat off. do any of you no if lower bodyfat produces more testosterone
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    Because I'm a woman, I don't know much about body fat and testosterone. I do believe I've heard an increase in body fat in women leads to more estrogen, or more fat stores more estrogen. I'm not sure, but having more fat can lead to an estrogen imbalance in women. I wouldn't be surprised if body fat played a role in male endocrinologic issues as well.

    I would discuss these issues with your doctor. If you are lining up more tests, please give it time. I believe 2-3 months would be necessary to see the change reflected in your counts, but I'm just guessing.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You need to talk with your fertility specialist about exactly what your test results mean, and what effect (if any) your diet/fitness plans might have on your ability to father a child.