Keto dieters/ low carbers hey...

For those doing keto/ low carbs, what is it about this diet that you enjoy so much what are what are the pros you’re experiencing so far?


  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    vanityy99 wrote: »
    For those doing keto/ low carbs, what is it about this diet that you enjoy so much what are what are the pros you’re experiencing so far?

    I turned to Keto not to lose weight but as a way of eliminating a lot of different foods from my diet to find a way to control my growing arthritic inflammation. I quit dairy at the same time. It worked so well I almost can't believe it. I was at the point last fall where I thought I'd have to retire early. My hip hurt, my knee hurt, my hands hurt every day and then it went into my lower back. I'm self employed and do a lot of heavy lifting and my work is physically demanding. You can't do it with a bad back. Going keto I did lose 10 lbs without trying but the pain subsided 75% in 2 weeks and is now at -90% and I can finally get back to the gym and being more active after a couple of years of not doing so. The pain reduction alone was enough to make it worthwhile but here are some other benefits I found in no particular order:

    1. Appetite control. I actually have a difficult time many days eating enough to maintain my weight. I just don't feel hungry for hours on end and when I do eat I feel full fairly quickly because of the high fat content and the satiety it gives. If I had to lose more weight it would be a piece of cake because I'd have no problem maintaining a 500 calorie deficit without even trying.
    2. Mental alertness and constant energy. I have the same energy level all day. I'm going to the gym before work for the first time in my life and even at 57 I'm still full of energy all day long. I'm already up to an hour and a half at the gym and energy levels are constant during my workout even though I'm working out fasted for now.
    3. Bowel movements are smaller, smoother and easier.

    I avoided the "Keto flu" by salting my food more and eating avocadoes just about every day for potassium and because I like them. If I'm totally honest, even though I was a lifelong volume eater, I am enjoying eating smaller portions of fatty meals and treats far more than when I ate more food.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • gaelicstorm
    gaelicstorm Posts: 94 Member
    edited March 2019
    I eat low carb (usually between 80 and 110 total carbs a day) to control blood sugar (I'm diabetic). The benefit I see is better blood sugar control. That generally means I have more energy to engage in physical activity, so I've been able to be active 6 days a week (I usually do yoga 6 days a week for about 30 minutes and then I walk about 3 days a week with my dog).

    The con for me is that controlling carbs doesn't leave me feeling as satisfied; however, I really don't want to be on insulin so that is the price I pay as a diabetic. If I didn't have to eat this way, to be honest, I wouldn't. It often requires me to put more work into meal prep because I'm the only one in my house who needs to eat this way.

    Last night for example, it was 50 degrees (yay!) so we grilled cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Instead of having mine on a bun I put it on a salad. It means I spent more time prepping for my dinner and sometimes I just want to eat what everyone else is eating. Not trying to be a bummer or downer, but the reality is that this WOE isn't for everyone. If you have a medical need like I do, you just have to resign yourself to this WOE to keep healthy. So I HAVE to do this for the long run.
  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    It's the only way I feel full and eat at a deficit
    Only way to manage my GI candida.
    Constant energy level all day (no sugar crash!)
    No more heartburn
    My eczema is getting better
    At my annual exam labs, triglycerides went from 180 to 78, cholesterol from 228 to 175, HDL from 45 to 56, LDL from 129 to 103, and BP from 130/85 to 120/76.
    I can justify eating avocado every day. Every other diet I felt I had to limit them

    I have to watch that my sodium stays high or I get brain fog and headaches.