What did I do!! 22lb in the last 9 months

Mmae20 Posts: 17 Member
Added 22lb in the last 9 months!

I have done it twice already where I gain the weight and restart all over again and lose it, (never went back to my original weight tho, which was (220lb) for 5' 6" tall guy Thank god but this time I'll be committed to take it all the way to six-packs, I promise!

This morning I was 183.2lb. My goal for the first 3 months is to reach 155lb. Which is 28.2 lbs in three months, which is 9lb a month, which is 2.35lbs a week. It should be doable. Right!

I have done crazier transformation (if you even call this a transformation) my first weight loss journey was 60lb in 4 months, which is 3.7 lbs a week.

My first time my trigger to lose weight was dying! My doctor told me that I'm going to die if I keep eating like this with my asthma condition at the time. But this time was different. Since my first weight loss I adopted more active lifestyle, FYI: I still love food!

I do hot Yoga, Riding motorcycles, Snowboarding, hiking and swimming. I suck at everything besides riding motorcycles lol

But since it is freezing winter out here and been working a day job from 8-5 with 1 hr commute time. I don’t really have the time nor the energy to do much after work.
Therefore, for the past six months I only went to yoga, maybe 10 times, and to the mountain to snowboard 3 times. And twice to the gym to walk on the treadmill. (Who said more active lifestyle again lol)

Anyway, my trigger this time was the motorcycle jacket , it’s kind of warmish outside (36F), and my jacket was super tight to the point it didn’t fit !!! It's only been 6 months since I rode with this jacket!!!!!

That was my turning point! I ordered Pizza, Chicken Alfredo pasta and cheese, nuts from Pizza Hut and went to buy all I need for this new weight loss journey. (No kidding)

I bought all my supplements and healthy grocery for the week yesterday, after getting rid of the old expired supplements that were sitting in my closet since my last transformation :neutral:
Made my workout schedule, my meal plans, and everything was ready.

Today had my prepped healthy breakfast meal, my healthy snack, my healthy lunch, and got my workout clothes to go and workout after work. Tracking everything with my fitness pal. (I love the app) and drinking tons of water and tea.

Anyways, Hello there! Nice to meet you & thank you for making it this far.
This is my first-time writing something like this.
Let me know where you at in the process!
And always remember to love the process, it's part of the victory.



  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited March 2019

    Just something to think about - is it possible you keep gaining the weight back because you keep losing weight in a quick, dramatic "transformation"?

    Maybe it would be easier to maintain if you lost it a little slower while really taking the time to learn how to eat and exervise at the right calorie level for the rest of your life, not just until you hit goal weight

    2+ lbs per week is really aggressive if you aren't very obese, and it's possible you are sacrificing more muscle mass than necessary every time you do that.

    Check out the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum - lots of awesome info there!

    I lost 20 lbs about 2 years ago and have been maintaining since. I may decide to drop another 5 at some point, but maybe not :lol:

    However you decide to proceed, best of luck!
  • Mmae20
    Mmae20 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you, I do really understand what i do is aggressive but what I didn’t mention is I stop working out because of an injury, back and left shoulder and as soon as I feel better I try to get back and try to get in a decent shap as fast as I can because when I don’t see results I lose intrest. That’s why I always find the goal and I run to it but hopefully this time forever becouse i have a plan for that period.
    Good luck for your 5 pounds, u can do this!!
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    sounds like you stopped tracking repeatedly....so this time keep tracking...lifelong commitment. Even in maintenance phase. A lot of people can gain weight drinking simply 1 extra beverage a day - frapachinno, or big regular soda, that's all it takes to rack it back up.
  • Mmae20
    Mmae20 Posts: 17 Member
    Thats right isETHome. I usually lose track especially when I’m out of town it gets out of control when u trying new foods and need experiences. But one thing I carried on from my first weight loss is No soda, no soft drinks, no sugar in my coffees or teas. Which is I’m proud of.
    Thank you for your support.
  • Bindiw1
    Bindiw1 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting again myself! It's funny, i found the old supplements...