
I work as an intern at a corporate office with senior level management. There are only 8 of us who work there together and they go out to lunch EVERYDAY. I don't know how to say no because I don't want to seem rude, use the money excuse, or lie, but its making my weight loss goals impossible to reach... :( Please help.


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Just flat out say no. Or just say that you're trying to lose weight and you'd prefer not to go out for lunch all the time. Do it like, once a week.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Bring a lunch...
    Tell them you good and want something else.

    I work in an office too, know what you go through, you just gotta tell them you dont want to go then change the subject, walk away, or go grab your lunch bag. They will get it after a few times. No one can guilt you into doing something.
  • marksolie
    marksolie Posts: 9 Member
    ADVICE PLEASE!!! ...

    I work as an intern at a corporate office with senior level management. There are only 8 of us who work there together and they go out to lunch EVERYDAY. I don't know how to say no because I don't want to seem rude, use the money excuse, or lie, but its making my weight loss goals impossible to reach... :( Please help.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Be honest, say you feel better at work, especially towards mid afternoon if you eat a lighter lunch and take the time to clear your head, that it just makes all the difference in the world how you feel in the last 2 or 3 hours of work.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    If you feel you HAVE to go, just plan accordingly. Do a large salad at lunch, avoid alcohol (WAY too many empty calories) and just plan on low-cal breakfasts & dinners.

    And, of course, there's always plenty of exercise to earn more calories...
  • marksolie
    marksolie Posts: 9 Member
    Bring a lunch with to work which fits you lunchtime caloric level. Just tell them thanks but you've brought your lunch. It might also give you the opportunity to take a brisk 20 minute walk over lunchtime
  • Choclat_Pearl
    Choclat_Pearl Posts: 166 Member
    Just be honest, tell them if you go to lunch all the time u feel like u won't reach ur weight loss goals. Let them know it'll b ok sometimes but not all the time...and when u do go just have a nice healthy salad. :bigsmile:
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Everyone that is trying to lose weight faces the same problem. Not only at work but with friends and family. God help those that are Lebanese (like me). Our mothers are feeders. They will not take no for an answer. You HAVE to eat their food (which is usually very high in calories) and you have to eat a lot of it or they'll think you're sick.

    There's no other way than to just accept that some people will not understand and to stick to your guns. Sure you can let a few meals slide for the sake of being social but if you really want this then you HAVE to be stubborn about your diet.
  • Coll41990
    Thanks everyone!! I am THE ONLY GIRL! Being an intern makes it hard, and plus they are all successful men around 50 and in pretty good shape... talking about weight loss with them is just awkward. They don't worry too much about weight and stuff, but I will definitely use the advice :)
  • imcsqrd
    imcsqrd Posts: 32
    Either do as taylorsean suggested and start bringing lunch at least 3 days a week and maybe go out to lunch with them once a week. Be truthful, tell them you are trying to be healthy and eat well and they should hopefully understand and be supportive. You can't let others undermine your efforts and if you still go out once a week with them, they should be good with that. I couldn't afford to do that - you might actually start seeing more money in your pocket! Since they are all male, it may annoy them a bit that the cute intern isn't joining them, but they'll get over it. :wink:
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I used to work in an office where part of the staff went out every day. I would just tell them I brought my lunch and eventually they stopped asking. There was one restaurant I'd make an exception to go to, so when they were going for Thai I'd always go. Otherwise I'd stay in and eat.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    yea I honestly dont like talking about weight loss in a proffesional setting which is why I said to go the route of how the food makes you feel
  • Coll41990
    @lookpretty: I really like that idea because it is definitely true. When I eat out for lunch and get too full I feel tired and lazy when I get back to work... I am going to try it. Thank you!!!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    @lookpretty: I really like that idea because it is definitely true. When I eat out for lunch and get too full I feel tired and lazy when I get back to work... I am going to try it. Thank you!!!

    I jus think its a different approach, one way says Im unhappy with how I am and the other says I have the self respect to make myself feel good
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Be honest... Tell them that you are trying to loose weight, be honest, in fact mention to the MFP, and see what kind of response you get.

    I totally understand wanting to be included and not feeling left out, but you need to pick either fitting in with the crowd or your new life style change that you are trying to accomplish.

    This will be a great learning lesson for you in your internship to say no. If you cannot say no to something like lunch, then how will you be able to say "no" when you are put in an integrity or ethical situation?

    Remember this is an internship, so your time with individuals will be limited.

    I hope you like my honesty as I personally prefer the truth than some made up lies.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    I can really see how that would be awkward. Try bringing a lunch sometime... just say you needed to use up some leftovers or something. :) Then order salads when you go out if you can. Hang in there!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I go out once a week to be social. The rest of the week I go for a two mile walk at a nearby greenway and then eat a light lunch at my desk. Everyone knows it's just what I do. Monday through Thursday I walk and on Fridays I go out with the group and behave myself (I know the best options at every nearby restaurant).
    And you're the intern, you can always play the money card. It's too expensive to eat out all the time.