Women 200lb+, let's take March by storm!!!



  • julesb2442
    julesb2442 Posts: 4 Member
    CW: 271


    Drink 8 water bottles a day
    Exercise 5 times week
    Always make healthy choices
  • renaerussell18
    renaerussell18 Posts: 31 Member
    Wow, March is whizzing by us! Already 8 days in! Stay strong everyone!
  • ballison2012
    ballison2012 Posts: 10 Member
    SW: 265
    CW: 206
    GW: 165

    March goals:
    -get to onderland (So close!!!)
    -To not go overboard eating on my vacation. My bf and I are going to a city well known for food and we made us reservations at a well known buffet.
    -elipitical at least 3 times a week.
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    SW 268
    CW 252
    GW 241 - at which point I will set a new goal because I only handle small increments well

    March -

    Keep carbs under 170 g per day including fruit, veggies and milk - 150 would be even better
    Keep glucose in control
    Walk at least 30 minutes daily
    Eat pizza only twice in the month - that means I only get one more pizza dinner this month
  • onetwopie
    onetwopie Posts: 1 Member
    SW 235
    CW 232
    GW 170ish

    March... First week, again.

    I am going to just strive for progress, not perfection. Crazy as it sounds, my goal is to be able to indulge a little bit a couple times a month, because I have always been very "all or nothing" and all that's done is gotten me to 235 lbs. So, I need to try to be able to eat just 3 Oreos, not the whole bag.
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    SW: 236
    CW: 209-212
    GW: 189 (at least phase 1).

    Keep cals under 1200 daily, closer to 1050 daily (I am sedentary)
    Pool jogging 2x per week
    Home low impact 2x per week
    Weigh in under 207 at the end of March
    Just lost my wellness coach to a job change - hope to find another one before months end
    Add iron, based on recent lab result.
  • kosseychick
    kosseychick Posts: 244 Member
    My progress:
    SW 311
    CW 302
    GW 220
    1. I went swimming 3 days this week.
    2. Decreased my intake of bread, rice and potatos.
    3. Gone 8 days without baked goodies, ice cream and chocolate bars :)
    4. Increased my veggie intake significantly.

    I feel pretty good 🙂.

  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    SW 260
    CW 240 - small loss of 1.4 pounds - 238.6 pounds
    Minigoal 230
    FGW 160
    Goal: Log all my meals - done
    Goal: Increase exercise by walking outside around block 3X/week - got out twice last week
    Goal: Get in 10,000+ steps daily - average of about 7000 steps

    Will continue to try meet these goals.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    edited March 2019
    I'm in! Been doing IF since the beginning of January (and back on MFP since late January) and it's definitely helping me meet my goals.

    SW: 251
    CW: 242
    GW1: 200
    GW2: 160

    March goals:
    • Stick to eating plan even while on work trips, but if I have to shift things be ok with it and just get back on it the next day!
    • Do BodBot workout at least 3x week
    • Track meals at least 6 days a week
  • renaerussell18
    renaerussell18 Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2019
    last week check in
    March GW=204
    This week check in
    4.5 pounds to March goal! Yipeeeeeee!!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 364 Member
    Okay, ladies. Week Two is OVER!

    We've made it this far! How is everyone doing with this goals?

    1. Log meals = 7/7
    2. Swim = 3/3
    3. Strength = 2/2
  • AbbieOffman
    AbbieOffman Posts: 165 Member
    Two weeks in:

    Down to 201.8, so almost to goal #1. I tried on my next size jeans and I could do them up without sucking in my tummy, but i think they'll fit better in a few more pounds. I've gotten more serious about IF, doing either 10-6 or 11-7, day depending.
    aoffman wrote: »
    SW: 220
    CW: 204
    GW: 180

    March Goals:
    See a 1 as a first digit on the scale.
    Fit, comfortably, into the next size down jeans.
    Try intermittent fasting & up my 'good' fats.

  • wc41215
    wc41215 Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 239
    CW: 221
    GW: 150
    5'8 and 41 years old

    My biggest goal this month is to workout every other day. My other goal is to get more steps in. My Fitbit should be here this week so I think that'll help me quite a bit. If anyone wants to add me feel free!
  • Tea500
    Tea500 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m starting at over 300 lbs and much in need of encouragement. Looking for friends on MFP to cheer each other on.
    Biggest challenge is fighting the cravings for sweets and carbs. Always low energy so fighting hard to get going.
  • jenfra123
    jenfra123 Posts: 45 Member
    I did a bike ride over the weekend and this week I am working out everyday and doing another bike ride on the weekend. As soon as the sun is up in the morning I plan on riding to work. its about 9 miles round trip. I'll take it.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'm in!
    OSW: 230.1
    SW: 219.2
    CW: 218.0
    GW #1: 180

    March has been up and down for me. TOM came in at the end of February and after 16 days, I got a 2 day reprieve but it's back today. I was down to 216.2 before the weekend but due to alcohol and a hangover sodium binge, I was back to 219. I skipped my workout in favor of a walk with my dog yesterday but I'm back at the gym today. My goal for March is to hit 215 and get my energy drink consumption from daily to 4-5 days a week!
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Tea500 wrote: »
    I’m starting at over 300 lbs and much in need of encouragement. Looking for friends on MFP to cheer each other on.
    Biggest challenge is fighting the cravings for sweets and carbs. Always low energy so fighting hard to get going.

    I had to pick up a drink and creamer at the gas station on Monday. I wanted something to snack on - I'm more salty than sweet that being said, after reading all the packet calories, I just said no and got my diet soda. I think reading labels really helps - especially if I look at a small bag of chex mis and realize its about 500-600 cals, not worth it. Find sweets that are lower, such as jello pudding with splenda, and jello with splenda 10 cals. Also fruit like strawberries with splenda and a teaspoon of lim juice mixed up and sat for awhile has nice sweatness to it. I imagine at first a lot of substitutes will work better.
  • d3gus
    d3gus Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all :)
    I'm 5ft 2 in
    age 52

    SW 253
    CW 230
    GW1 190 ( need new knee and they wont even consider me till i get to this!!)
    GW2 140
    GW3 133 ( this is classed as healthy weight! for my height)

    hit a plateau for last month! I put the weight on as I have Hasimoto disease and i was having trouble walking - long story short after 3 yrs they diagnosed arthritis in my knee! by that time i have put another 5 stone on as i couldn't exercise.. been having injections in my knee for the passed 3 years, every 4 months which wears off after about 2 - end up using sticks for the other 2 months!!I work full time - I have been on a low carb diet ( no sugar/fruit/diary/carbs/alcohol ) with a 'cheat day' once a week - since September last year i have managed to lose 23lb - but as you will see Goal 1 ( which they said i need to reach to approve surgery is a very long way away ) and i'm very low at them moment as i'm in a great deal of pain and cant see any movement on the scale to spur me on :'( my next injections aren't due till the 17th April which again feels a very long time away.
  • jackieii
    jackieii Posts: 2 Member
    jackieii wrote: »

    March Goals:
    -Track every meal every day
    -Drink only water
    -Drink a gallon of water a day
    -Take a walk every day
    -Get 9 hours of sleep every night
    -No Cakes, Cookies, or Bread

    I've been having a good month. Been staying on track mostly. Starting to feel a difference in my clothes already. The scale at home says 274--but I don't believe it need to check scale at the doctors office. I've tracked my meals for 16 days in a row--that's a new record for me. Been drinking at least 64oz of water a day. Started going for walks in the evenings. Been going to bed earlier. And saying no to cookies cakes and breads. I feel a lot better than I have in a long time, need to keep this going.
  • lowenberger3952
    lowenberger3952 Posts: 1 Member
    SW 215
    CW 204
    GW 185

    I want to start swimming and walking more. My goal for March is to get under 200lbs. I donok most of the day but snack in the evenings which I’m trying to stop.