Binge Eating Disorder

Hi, I'm curious if anyone else on MFP has binge eating disorder and if so what you've done to treat it.



  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    As I'm walking through a supermarket, I only allow myself to put food in my basket if I can honestly say I can act "healthily" with it in my house. This means I no longer buy biscuits, cakes, chocolate, any interesting bread products, most crisps... you get the idea.

    I found it was hard at first, all the junk was yelling at me as I walked through the store, but now it's more of a habit, and I don't have to think about walking past all the calorific carbs.
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm sure there are many people on here that have it - and may not know it. I haven't been diagnosed with it, but I'm sure I have it. As far as treating it goes, I think you need to figure out the reason for the binging. That and it's all in our heads. With the right mindset you can conquer it.
  • destiny637
    I do the same -- I just can't have that "crap" in my house! I mean, I can honestly say I've never "binged" on spinach or apples! LOL! It's true! Don't buy it! Don't bring it in your home!
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I'm sure there are many people on here that have it - and may not know it. I haven't been diagnosed with it, but I'm sure I have it. As far as treating it goes, I think you need to figure out the reason for the binging. That and it's all in our heads. With the right mindset you can conquer it.

    I couldn't have said it better! Most of the problem lies in your attitude and self-control.
    To combat it, you have to make the change. No excuses or laziness. Give your best effort. Stop eating the unhealthy food you don't need. It may be hard, but it will be easier once you get into it.
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    I simply can't stop myself from eating huge quantities of certain things.
    Salty, carb-y (so not a word...) snacks I'm fine. I measure my serving size and eat just that. However, if I have any candy in the house it will be gone within 24 hours- no matter the size of package. The best thing you can do for yourself is resist the temptation at the store rather than trying to do it at home. It is much easier to say "no, I don't need to buy that" to yourself than "just ooooone more wouldn't hurt".
    I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for but that is my experience. Best of luck!

    edited to add: On the occasion that I do buy some sugary snack for myself I literally make my boyfriend hide it from me after I get the portion size so I don't graze on it throughout the day. It is not preferable but it is what works for me right now.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Im a stress eater. I bought some candy bars, my intention was to have a treat. I ate the whole bar instead of half of it. We are talking 440 calories, empty calories. Its not worth it! I decided if im going to do that at least do it with fiber one bars. I could of almost
    4 fiber one bars to equal that and would of got plenty of fiber.