Most calories you’ve eaten in a day?

What’s the most calories you’ve ever eaten in a day? I’ll start off by saying mine- 3800. I’m 5’ 4” and female so that felt like a lot of food to me!


  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    The highest calorie day I've had that I've logged is probably around 3,000 calories. Which would most likely be a day that I had a long hike and burned a lot of calories

    When I was not logging there were days that I probably ate 5,000 calories due mainly to wine drinking and after wine binge.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I'm not sure. Considering I was bulking at one point on over 3500 cals I would say more than that. Especially when there is alcohol plus food involved.
  • Torxa
    Torxa Posts: 61 Member
    I really have no idea because I started counting calories in 2013 with the idea to lose weight (which I have done), and since then the highest I recall was a fairly tame amount, like 2,300 maybe (?) on a holiday.

    Back when I didn't care about calories and was much much heavier I would imagine there were times I probably had around 4,000 calories or more. 10-15 years ago, there were many evenings that my friends and I would go to some random chain restaurant like Applebee's and I would order the basket of honey boneless wings with ranch, share some onion rings, then have the crazy skillet brownie a al mode that's like 1100 calories all by itself. Go to someone's house for cocktails and shots after that. And earlier in those same days I probably ate cereal, big glasses of milk & juice, and a footlong at Subway with cheese and some chips just because. I didn't even realize how many calories I was eating.

    ETA: I just logged all that food out of curiosity and it's like 4,800 calories. The Maple Blondie sundae thing at Applebee's is 1250 on its own. Holy moly.

    For reference, I ate 1,430 calories today and that included stuff like homemade donuts, cheesy/spicy beans, vegan hot dogs, fruit, veggies, and more. No wonder I weigh about 1/2 what I did ten years, I am so happy I learned about CICO!

    This is me, too. I can't think of all the meals I've consumed that started with an appetizer, included drinks like martinis, finished with desserts, and all of us at the table eating the exact same stuff.

    And this is a truly wonderful example of exactly why calorie counts should be mandatory on menus. I bet you wouldn't have eaten all that if you had the calorie counts in front of you, even if you weren't focused on losing weight. I know I wouldn't have.
  • whatalazyidiot
    whatalazyidiot Posts: 343 Member
    Hell, on one of my worst binge days, it could be anything. I don't want to find out, but I would guess over 5,000. Especially if it's a drinking day.
  • lemonwater1
    lemonwater1 Posts: 72 Member
    Wowzers. 🤯 I don’t think I have gone over 2000 since I started mfp (on days I’m eating back exercise cals), but before that... Idk. Let’s just say eating several slices of pizza dipped in ranch for ONE of my meals was not uncommon. 😰
  • whatalazyidiot
    whatalazyidiot Posts: 343 Member
    Wowzers. 🤯 I don’t think I have gone over 2000 since I started mfp (on days I’m eating back exercise cals), but before that... Idk. Let’s just say eating several slices of pizza dipped in ranch for ONE of my meals was not uncommon. 😰

    Same. I miss dipping everything in ranch with reckless abandon.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Torxa wrote: »
    I really have no idea because I started counting calories in 2013 with the idea to lose weight (which I have done), and since then the highest I recall was a fairly tame amount, like 2,300 maybe (?) on a holiday.

    Back when I didn't care about calories and was much much heavier I would imagine there were times I probably had around 4,000 calories or more. 10-15 years ago, there were many evenings that my friends and I would go to some random chain restaurant like Applebee's and I would order the basket of honey boneless wings with ranch, share some onion rings, then have the crazy skillet brownie a al mode that's like 1100 calories all by itself. Go to someone's house for cocktails and shots after that. And earlier in those same days I probably ate cereal, big glasses of milk & juice, and a footlong at Subway with cheese and some chips just because. I didn't even realize how many calories I was eating.

    ETA: I just logged all that food out of curiosity and it's like 4,800 calories. The Maple Blondie sundae thing at Applebee's is 1250 on its own. Holy moly.

    For reference, I ate 1,430 calories today and that included stuff like homemade donuts, cheesy/spicy beans, vegan hot dogs, fruit, veggies, and more. No wonder I weigh about 1/2 what I did ten years, I am so happy I learned about CICO!

    This is me, too. I can't think of all the meals I've consumed that started with an appetizer, included drinks like martinis, finished with desserts, and all of us at the table eating the exact same stuff.

    And this is a truly wonderful example of exactly why calorie counts should be mandatory on menus. I bet you wouldn't have eaten all that if you had the calorie counts in front of you, even if you weren't focused on losing weight. I know I wouldn't have.

    Exactly right on those calorie counts!! I was around a group of teens recently (mostly boys and none actively trying to lose weight) and they were all gonna get shakes at Sonic and they saw the calories and were like "whoa!" and most of them changed to things like an order of fries, a corn dog, or other ice cream treats w/ less calories. Still not "healthy" I know...but I thought that was pretty cool to see in action. They were even doing the whole MFP math thing, like "I could get how many corn dogs for the calories in one cream pie shake!?" haha
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    I remember working this out a few months ago and if memory serves it was something like 11k-12k calories.

    While I'd like to say that's an extreme outlier and happened infrequently that's just not true. It probably happened once every month or so so not that infrequent and even a "normal" weekend would typically consist of probably 8k-9k calories each day so not that extreme an outlier.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hahaha I mean ever? Probably 6-7000. I’m a 5’6” female and weigh 138. But yeah on vacation or something, where you’re drinking all day and eating out all your meals... tons of calories sometimes.

    yeah I think this too. I'm a metric system person but 168cm and 60-odd kilos (give or take if I'm cutting or bulking). I think I could easily down 6-7000 in a day depending on the situation.

    That i've actually LOGGED probably about 3500 ish. And usually if i've logged it i've controlled myself somewhat. I can eat an entire box of Ferrero Rocher in one sitting. the 24 chocolates one. And i have done that. along with other food because after all that sweet, you need salty, right? then sweet gain? then salty?

    But i'm sure i've had various binges or holiday foods or foods with friends etc that have been easily in the 4-5000 mark. And not logged.
  • SkunkStarlight
    SkunkStarlight Posts: 6 Member
    The most since I've started counting about a month ago is 2059, and I've managed to stay under 1900 calories except for three days. I've stayed under my net calories all but four days. I've never been a big eater, but I've cut out soda in favor of flavored sparkling water, I've cut down on candy, and most significantly I've heavily cut down on snacking.

    I've been around 160 lbs for most of my adult life, as high as 175 lbs and as low as 150 lbs. I don't tend to gain or lose much weight even when I get little exercise or don't really care about how I eat, so hopefully maintaining ~1400 net calories and getting more exercise will prove to have a positive effect.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Probably within the last year before I started counting, it's gotta be well over 5000 when staying at an all inclusive resort and doing 3 meals a day buffet plus snacks and drinks. Probably at least 7k.

    Since logging, around 3k is the most I've had on a day and still had the courage to log it, but I have a pretty high calorie goal (2350).
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    There's a huge difference between how much I used to eat vs. what was my highest calorie day since starting MFP.

    Before I started MFP I'm sure I had many days when I went over 5000 calories, and likely some that approached 10k. It wouldn't have been uncommon for us to go out to eat more than once a day on the weekend, and if it was a "special occasion" we might have had a restaurant dessert too.

    While on MFP my highest day has probably been about 2500 calories or a little more, on days when I've run or walked double digit mileage. My maintenance calories are 1400 before exercise.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Wow it’s so amazing to see how everyone’s food habits have changed just by being aware of calories. Btw 3800 calories is my highest logged calories day- I realised that when I was 184 lbs (my heaviest ever in 2010) I must’ve eaten up to 5000 calories during family dinners and holidays.
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 859 Member
    This was pretty high :smiley:
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 859 Member
    Most recent one
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    Probably in excess of 6000 calories on a proper binge drinking/eating weekend in my 20s. Since I started tracking, worst was probably around 4500 but that's only 1000 cals above maintenance for me on an active day and a very rare occurrence.
  • kam3190
    kam3190 Posts: 157 Member
    Well I lose about 1 lb a week on 3000 calories. Im 5ft6 and 220lbs. This has pretty much stood the test of time but I've restarted after having another child. So when I'm gaining/ maintaining Im doing it at 4000 a day sadly.