Any zwifters?

Hi, I’m just wondering if there are any fellow zwifters out there?

I can’t get out on the road so use zwift as a means of exercising when the little ones are asleep but I struggle to actually motivate myself on there. Also I am finding that after I finish I get really REALLY hungry 🙈


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Yep ... but only in the winter.
  • solorex
    solorex Posts: 696 Member
    I've been using it for the past month or so. Getting back into cycling after a long hiatus (15+ years), so utilizing it for body conditioning/weight loss for the spring. Hope to get in on some group rides this summer. Zwift is handy for getting my saddle time in mid-week due to my work schedule.

    Just finished working through the Fondo workout plan, and will be starting the Gran Fondo plan (8 weeks) next week.
  • katrinamawbey
    katrinamawbey Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve not started the workouts yet and I’ve managed to join 4 rides so far. The last one was a disaster though. Connection dropped several times.

    I’ve only really been back on Zwift since last sept time roughly... not consistently like I have this last couple of weeks though! 4 rides last week and I’m already on 3 this week with extended times compared to last weeks. Really enjoying it :)
  • solorex
    solorex Posts: 696 Member
    Yeah, it’s definitely been more enjoyable than I was expecting. I’ll usually throw on an episode of GCN while I got a workout running. The 1-1.5 hour sessions are over before I know it.
  • Vladimirnapkin
    Vladimirnapkin Posts: 299 Member
    I've been Zwift-ing this winter. Those group rides are great!