3-Month Weight Loss Challenge, February - May, Pick Your Difficulty



  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    OK, it's official... I've hit a plateau! I think I've been taking in too few calories for too long. I've become hungrier and hungrier and end up giving in and over-eating one or two days a week:( Also, this last week I felt so drained physically - I was often cold and all I wanted to do was sleep (of course non-stop rain didn't help). So clearly it's time to do something different! I'll start by increasing my calorie intake and uping my activity to compensate. 😖 I'll check-in again next week and KEEP ON KEEPING ON! KOKO everyone🤗

    Original Weight: 187 (10/1/18)
    Challenge Starting Weight: 171
    Challenge Level: 🤸🏽‍♂️💃🏼🏃‍♀️🙅
    Challenge Goal weight:150

    Have a great week everyone...

    Weekly check-in:

    2/1: 171.1
    2/8: 168.3
    2/15: 168.4
    2/22: 166.9
    3/1: 166.0
    3/8: 166.4
  • nursewhite71
    nursewhite71 Posts: 1 Member
    All in, this is great.

    Starting weight: 267.8

    Weekly check-in:

  • LadySaton
    LadySaton Posts: 500 Member
    OK, it's official... I've hit a plateau! I think I've been taking in too few calories for too long. I've become hungrier and hungrier and end up giving in and over-eating one or two days a week:( Also, this last week I felt so drained physically - I was often cold and all I wanted to do was sleep (of course non-stop rain didn't help). So clearly it's time to do something different! I'll start by increasing my calorie intake and uping my activity to compensate. 😖 I'll check-in again next week and KEEP ON KEEPING ON! KOKO everyone🤗

    Original Weight: 187 (10/1/18)
    Challenge Starting Weight: 171
    Challenge Level: 🤸🏽‍♂️💃🏼🏃‍♀️🙅
    Challenge Goal weight:150

    Have a great week everyone...

    Weekly check-in:

    2/1: 171.1
    2/8: 168.3
    2/15: 168.4
    2/22: 166.9
    3/1: 166.0
    3/8: 166.4

    I added an extra 200 calories to my daily goal at the beginning of this month myself. I was having fatigue that was unusual for me and less than stellar performance in my workouts. I wasn’t experiencing hunger though so I didn’t realize I needed to be eating more for awhile. I think I was underestimating my activity level and exercise burn, even though I was only set to lose a pound a week (still in the overweight category).

    My fatigue issues have gone and my run yesterday felt fabulous and I’ve started seeing strength gains again, so I think it was a good idea. Hopefully you have the same effect. I will say, I’ve been fighting hunger pretty fierce the last week of having a higher calorie goal. I don’t know if that’s normal or just me, but I had only occasional hunger issues before on my lower goal and now I just want to eat and eat and eat. I had a 500 calorie breakfast this morning and for me that’s absolutely insane because I’m not generally very hungry in the mornings! I’m still meeting my weekly goal with some creative food ideas though, so there’s hope. Dry roasting huge trays of veggies is becoming my norm. Filling and no oil calories so I can eat my fat in cheese instead. 🤣

  • ssyydd
    ssyydd Posts: 21 Member
    A little late but I'm in

    Challenge Starting Weight: 148
    Challenge Level: **
    Challenge Goal weight: 138
  • tajjia
    tajjia Posts: 6 Member
    Hey!! I’m definitely in!

    Challenge Starting Weight: 228.7
    Challenge Level: 👍👍👍👍👍
    Challenge Goal weight: 195
  • haleyjdavis96
    haleyjdavis96 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a wedding to attend in April so this is happening. :D

    Challenge Starting Weight: 168lbs
    Challenge Level: 5
    Challenge Goal weight: 140-143lbs
  • shanhartravs
    shanhartravs Posts: 5 Member
    Okay, I’m in!

    Challenge level 🖖🖖🖖

    Feb 1 weight 135
    Mar 10 check in 128
    Goal by May 1: 120

    Almost halfway there!
  • mercbenz9
    mercbenz9 Posts: 16 Member
    Challenge Starting weight 192.2
    Challenge Level ❤️❤️❤️
    End of challenge goal 177.2

    2/5- 192.2
    2/12- 189.6
    2/19- 190.8 (out of town)
    2/26- 190.4 (sick)
    3/05- 191
    3/12- 190.2

    This has been a strange week. I was a little over on calories almost every day.
    Made good choices until the weekend when pizza and cookies in the break room at work
    Became an issue. At least I limited the number of slices/cookies I ate. Then yesterday
    I made bad choices due to sleep deprivation. Was shocked to see a loss on the scale, but will gladly take it.

    I am off for the next 3 weeks. This is a challenge for me because my days are less structured and I have more
    social events to navigate. Am hoping to remain mindful and really work on recognizing hunger cues.
    Eating more slowly, enjoying each bite and stopping when I am satisfied (not full) are my focus this week.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • bgonell21
    bgonell21 Posts: 5 Member
    Current 188
    May 1 175
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    Challenge Level: ⚜️⚜️
    Challenge Goal weight: 158 lbs by May 9

    2/9/19: 168.6 lbs
    2/18/19: 165.8 lbs
    2/26/19: 164.2 lbs
    3/8/19: 163.2 lbs
    3/13/19: 161.6 lbs

    I've been over my weekly calorie goals since I started, but amazingly I'm still losing weight at a decent place. My NEAT must be higher than I realized. I do run around a lot.

    I'm so close... Less than two pounds til I see the 150s for the first time in 2 years!!
  • mirapeerance
    mirapeerance Posts: 13 Member
    Weekly check-in

    Start Date: 20 Feb
    Challenge Starting Weight: 186
    Today March 13th:188
    Challenge Level: **
    Challenge Goal weight: 175
    End Date: May 20

    Checkin Day is Wednesday.

    My best day, about 10 days ago I was down to 185. I travel in my work and the break of routine in sleep and diet as well as long long hours seems to have added on the pounds. I am 72 and struggle with water retention, especially with flying etc.

    Now I'm back in Edinburgh I'm struggling just to keep things in order here at home before travelling on to Africa for 6 weeks work in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Overall health will have to take precedence, but I'm going to try to hang in with the challenge. I wish all of you the very best.

    i'd like to recommend a documentary available on netflix "HEAL". Last night when I was ready to throw in the towel with this challenge, a friend recommended the movie and I watched it. It was very inspiring.

    Cheers, Mira
  • 13ecca4
    13ecca4 Posts: 201 Member
    13ecca4 wrote: »
    I'll join!

    Challenge Starting Weight: 288lbs
    Challenge Level: Level 5 - 25 pounds ★★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 263lbs

    1st Feb - 288
    8th Feb - 281
    15th Feb - 278
    22nd Feb - 276.2
    1st Mar - 276 - This last week is the first week where my motivation and determination have just gone. I've been fighting some major cravings and urges to binge this week.
    I suppose it's a little natural to be disappointed that there isn’t a 2lb weight loss, but given the week I had it’s actually amazing that it’s a 0.2lb loss.
    I’m trying not to think too much into it. As hard as the battle inside my head was this week at least I didn’t give in to the cravings and have not put weight on.
    I’m feeling better now than I did so looking forward for the upcoming week. I’ve got a PT session tonight and they always make me feel amazing. So hopefully I’m off to a great start.
    8th Mar - 273
    15th Mar - 274 (weekend away last weekend, ok with the tiny gain :))

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
    edited March 2019
    This process can be very frustrating at times. Other people's solutions are a mine of useful information. It's interesting to see that several of us are working on fine tuning our food choices, and helpful to see what others are trying out. Perseverance and dedication is very evident.

    Background information
    Went up to 172 at the end of 2017 (Christmas etc), but have lost that again. I am very close to maintenance, so weight is dropping very slowly, but I would so like to hit my goal before my 73rd birthday in April. Also working on muscle toning at the moment, which isn't helping the scale but should even out eventually.
    Daily Health/Fitness Goals
    • Currently on Week 7 of a 10 week Boditrax Course at our local gym. (I won it at a raffle at a heavily discounted rate)
    • Daily step goal is 9000. I do 15+ strength most days, targeting specific areas, and Yoga/Tai Chi for flex.
    • I eat 90% 'clean/healthy' food and adhere to CICO. I do extra exercise to earn extra calories if I want treats.

    Location: Northern Ireland
    Challenge Starting Weight: 165
    Challenge Level: ⭐️
    Challenge Goal: 160

    01 Feb: 165.0
    08 Feb: 165.0
    15 Feb: 165.2
    22 Feb: 164.5
    01 Mar: 164.9
    08 Mar: 167.5
    15 Mar: 167.4
    22 Mar:
    Weight is seldom linear. This last week it has been up and down. (167.9/166.8)
    • I am pre-logging my food and drink to balance macros/micros, weighing portions, and adjusting the entries as necessary
    • I am fasting from 8pm to 9am daily, and have replaced most of my sugary snacks with more nutritious, protein-rich alternatives such as nuts.
    • I'm looking for a downward trend on the scale over the next few weeks. Intrigued to see if it will pan out.
    • I am exceeding my daily exercise goals
    • I am working on muscle tone, and developing strength and stamina

  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 285 Member
    Weekly weigh in.


    3.8-161 (shark week)
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 285 Member
    Weekly weigh in.


    3.8-161 (shark week)
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    I am in and love the challenges, I guess you can say I am addicted, lol. I will post weekly as I weigh in on a Friday.

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220lbs – 2/24
    Challenge Level: ★★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 195lbs

    Feb Total Loss - ↓9.4lbs

    3/1 - 215
    3/8 – 213.8
    3/15 – 210.0
    3/22 -
    3/29 -
    March Total Loss -
    Good luck everyone!
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    SW 298.50 Oct 2017
    CW 206.25
    GW 168.00

    So I guess that puts me on the
    Level 5 - 25 pounds ★★★★★

    Challenge Starting Weight: 206.25
    Challenge Level: 5
    Challenge Goal weight: 168.00

    Mar 01 - 206.25
    Mar 08 - 199.75
    Mar 15 - 200.50
    Mar 22
    Mar 29
    Apr 05
    Apr 12
    Apr 19
    Apr 26
    May 03
    May 10
    May 17
    May 24
    May 31

    GOAL FOR CHALLENGE - 38.25lbs (or as near to as poss)
    TO GO - 32.50lbs
  • Kiyomoo
    Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 280
    Level: 4
    Challenge goal weight: 260

    2/1: 280
    2/8: 278.8
    2/15: 274.4
    2/22: 276.4

    3/1: 271.6
    3/8: 272.4
    3/15: 270.4
    Not very happy with the numbers this week. Only gone down 1.2 pounds in two weeks.
  • mustangem82
    mustangem82 Posts: 45 Member
    2/1 starting weight : 154
    Challenge level: ★★
    5/1 goal weight: 146

    2/8 & 2/15 still 154.
    2/22 152.6
    3/1. 157
    3/8 155
    3/15 154

    Right back where I started! So frustrating how I can have a bad week, gain, then it takes forever to come back down!
  • LadySaton
    LadySaton Posts: 500 Member
    Ultimate SW: 223
    Ultimate GW: 130
    Challenge Level: ★★★
    Challenge Starting Weight: 164
    Challenge Goal weight: 149

    Feb1 - 164
    Feb10 - 161.6
    Feb17 - 159.8
    Feb24 - 157.4
    Mar3 - 157.8
    Mar10 - 155.4
    Mar17 - 154.8
    Mar24 -
    Mar31 -
    Apr7 -
    Apr14 -
    Apr21 -
    Apr28 -
    May1 -