Resting if muscles are sore...

I pushed myself for longer on the treadmill last night, and I am aching in my butt and legs. I know it's only because I am not used to so much exercise, but should I be resting for a day? I don't want to if I don't have to, but I am just worried I am going to hurt myself.

So, do I push through the pain or wait until tomorrow night?


  • kateyrog
    kateyrog Posts: 15 Member
    Do today and see how you go. Sometimes you can run off the aches and pains and sometimes you can't. Your body will tell you. Sometimes, it seems there's not a day I don't wake up aching! Never lasts for long though. :-)
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    Yes Id say do it and see how you go and be sure to stretch properly before and after and warm up before your work out and down after. I find that if I keep working through it then the ache subsides after 2 or 3 days. Just listen to your body, muscle ache is good sprain is not. Good luck xxx
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I agree...go again today do something else or if you go on the treadmill work out at a lighter intensity. Helps you body learn to get use tothose muscles working. Of course if its really really uncomfotable or hurts its time to rest. Your body will tell you that's for sure.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    If it is just from cardio like this I agree with the above, take it easy and see how it goes, maybe do a gentler, shorter session. When it comes from weights, I always take a break as the soreness is the muscles repairing and doing more work when they are not fully healed just makes the workout much less effective (as well as risking injury).
  • Booobarella
    Thanks for the replies.

    I had a go at a slower pace, but my butt was just too sore. It actually hurt to sit down, hope that means my butt muscles are getting a work out :D

    I don't mind a bit of pain, but it hurt to walk, sit down, lay down. Must have worked them good :)