exercise makes me hungry!

Hello, I'm new. Hoping to lose 10 or so pounds before this gradual weight gaining which i am experiencing gets out of control. I do exercise, but I find that the thing that kills my diet is that I get soooooooo hungry after I exercise. Ugh. Anyway, I had a good first day of counting calories today and eating healthy. But I need support. :)


  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    me tooo!!! i did 20 minutes of cardio today and afterwards i was starving for the rest of the night. what gives??
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member

    exercise makes me hungry too. I tend to exercise quite late though so instead of eating I go to sleep.

    Another way you could approach it is to exercise, be hungry, eat, but not very much or something low cal like veg. Coming from someone who use to be able to eat 3 meals worth of food in one sitting and still want more, the stomach does shrink when you feed it less (more often is ok) and that smaller stomach is damn handy :-)

    Feel free to friend me, I'd be happy to trade support.
  • carkycarky
    Ya I need to make a plan for that because I come home and all I want to do is snack and trust me, celery sticks is NOT what I crave at that point. Should I jsut throw out all my junk food.....oh god....i dont know if I can do that!!! I wish I could keep it in the house and just not indulge in it too much. Ugh.
  • princess4mimi
    I know the feeling, it's kind of the reason I choose to exercise at night instead. Because of how late it is I can not allow myself to eat anything heavy so I MUST SEARCH for lighter late night choices such as: mango, yogurt, almonds, banana, cereal or corn. Not that I'm saying they're light on the carbs or anything or sugars just that they are not RICE, or anything I feel is heavy for me at night......
  • greensnow
    Yum Mango!! Lol can't wait for summer fruits in Aus to come out :):)
    I am FAMISHED after cardio, everything I see I want to eat lol. I know some people may be 'against' this but when I get home I have sometimes have some apple cider vinegar with water (take it like a shot) because it gives my tummy the feeling of fullness. Then I eat less- or just fill up on veggies
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    I had the same problem. Here's what I did. For a month, watch what you eat very carefully and do very little exercise (occasional walks, etc.) Once you have your eating under control & are losing weight, slowly add in some workouts. I found this made it easy to lose weight b/c by the time I added in exercise I was used to eating less so I wasn't starving. Good luck!!
  • carkycarky
    I've actually heard good things about apple cider vinegar too and may try that. I can tell I will also need to simply NOT have snack foods in my house because I cannot say "no" when I'm tired and starving after working out. :::sigh::::
  • princess4mimi
    I know the feeling, it's kind of the reason I choose to exercise at night instead. Because of how late it is I can not allow myself to eat anything heavy so I MUST SEARCH for lighter late night choices such as: mango, yogurt, almonds, banana, cereal or corn. Not that I'm saying they're light on the carbs or anything or sugars just that they are not RICE, or anything I feel is heavy for me at night......

    Another favorite is small bag of carrot sticks are only 35 calories and the fat free dip isn't bad either. Also as someone else mentioned, I also take a shower and go to sleep afterwards so the next morning is usually when I'm starving. See what works for you and change it up to see what's your middle ground.
  • LeslieAJ
    LeslieAJ Posts: 10 Member
    I also feel hungry after exercise, but I realize sometimes it is just an emotional response. I want to reward myself for the extra effort. I am learning to wait and drink water instead. Being well hydrated does make me less hungry. If I really need something to eat I try to have fruit or a mini nutrition bar as a snack. I also prefer doing my running and other cardio in the morning, so I eat breakfast after I work out which helps. I still struggle some days too,. and I hope this helps.
  • carkycarky
    water...hydration...good point. :)