Can't eat enough calories!

I know how weird this sounds, but I just cannot eat enough calories! I rarely go over 1,000 and I eat alllllllll day I feel like, and drink a ton of water. Maybe I should try eating higher calorie foods? Take a gander at my food journal... I even had a beer today, to try and get some calories!

What would you all recommend? MFP yells at me every time I complete my diary for not eating enough! Today was an exercise day for me, and so I gained a lot through that. <== Food Diary link


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I had the same problem when I was eating super fresh and clean. Honestly, I dialed back on my super-healthy-eating. We'll see how my weight loss goes over the next couple weeks, but I'm still feeling pretty good about things. Most folks will suggest adding in nuts and avocados, etc. .. nutrient dense natural snack foods.

    Personally, I make sure to eat a protein, carb, and fiber at every meal and snack, as often as I can. I eat full fat/full calorie versions of a lot of foods, I have mayo on sandwiches.. that sort of thing. My main concern is that I stick with this lifestyle for ever, so I'm working on finding ways to balance the weight loss with realistic eating.

    hope that helps - seems totally counterproductive, I know.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Try incorporating some calorie dense foods into your diet. Higher fat dairy products and nuts are two good sources.
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    How about eggs? Hard boiled for snacks?
    Tuna on crackers is one of my favorite snacks. And yes, nuts!
  • I seriously don't go over like 500 calories on most days. i can not help it. i am not hungry. i have no desire to eat. i eat lunch of like 4 oz of chicken breast, lettuce and tomato and i'm stuffed and not hungry the rest of the day. i am hoping i do not slow down my weight loss, i've lost 6 lbs in 12 days. i had a cheat day and had chinese on day 9, but i only ate like 6pcs of chicken even then. but it did throw my weight loss off for 3 days. i just finally lost another .7lbs this morning. AHH!!! I am so confused and not sure what to do!?
  • Thank you guys! I had made it such an endeavor to eat as healthy as I can (realistically) and didn't even think about calories!!

    I will pick up some avacado, almonds, boil some eggs, and I should be set!!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    This sounds strange, but I find myself losing weight faster since I started eating a little bit of chocolate, or having dessert. I had kinda stalled because I wasn't eating enough calories. I guess we'll see if it continues...
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Also you current diet is bit heavy on the sugar and light on the fat. In fact you fat consumption for today is dangerously low. Keep in mind that sugars do very little for your body but fat is necessary for healthy skin, hair, etc. If you increase fat content, keeping it balanced with healthy fats you hit your calorie count and be a lot healthier.

    You only had meat with one meal, I would increase that two for one and that should add some calories.

    And couple of ounces of nuts spread throughout the day will some easy calories, omega-3s and fiber.

    You should definitely reduce your fruit content and up your vegetable content. Beans and brown rice are a great way to add healthy calories and get good soluble fiber.
  • Oh, and I can't do any higher milk than Non Fat... I gag because of the thickness of it!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    nuts, nut butters, avocado, opt for full-fat versions of products IE whole milk instead of skim, full-fat salad dressings instead of the lite, full-fat (and flavour) miracle whip instead of the imposter lites. If you eat eggs eat the whole thing not just the white
  • I have the same problem.... :(!!! when you are eating good 1500 calories seem like a lot of calories...i eat whey protein+water when my calories are too low.
  • I have the same problem.... :(!!! when you are eating good 1500 calories seem like a lot of calories...i eat whey protein+water when my calories are too low.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I too have that problem. I now try to eat something every 2-3 hours to keep my engine burning throughout the day instead of letting it shut down. Snacking is very important. You don't have to eat a lot, just make better choices, or have a bit more of what you regularly eat. Snacking with a calorie dense food is good as well. Personally I love my avocados! I wasn't losing any weight at first because I wasn't eating enough. Now I eat more and I'm losing more. Go figure!
  • Thank you!! Great advice.. It's hard because I love fruit and am not much of a meat eater (naturally, just don't have much of a desire for it)

    I feel a lot better now about tomorrow's food choices!
  • jminette
    jminette Posts: 81
    Same! I know I used to eat wayy over what I do now, but since I started this, I find it hard to incorporate all the cals, and I'm not really hungry for them.. Ive been around or just below 1,000 every day for a few days, I'm gonna buy some nuts to snack on when I'm at the store next.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    You are not alone i have this same issue. After dinner i ate a poptart and still had 400 cals left but at first i didnt try to eat them back now i do becuase i dont want to go in starvation mode but im just not hungry i eat lot of fruits and veggies with out thinking about how healthy its just what i like to eat