Ouch my ski toes!

runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey wondering if anyone would know about pain I get in my toes when skiing. A few years ago we were in below 0 weather & so I thought that is why my toes felt pain. I had to go in lodge and get the circulation going. This past weekend we were skiing in warmer weather; I had pain again. My boots are snug but I can move my toes a bit in them. However, when skiing down hill pressure is mushing them I'm sure.

I am wondering if my toes are losing circulation and hurting or are they hurting from cold? Or both? Anyone have any thoughts?

They are still a little numb.


  • grace42c
    grace42c Posts: 71 Member
    Check the strap that goes over the arch of the foot and the one around the ankle. Both, if too tight, can impede circulation. There is a a large artery that is very close to the surface of the top of your foot. Another thing to check, put the boots on and get in a ski stance, if your toes hit the front with your knees bent, the boots are too small. Finally, if your feet sweat a lot, apply anti-perspirant on the soles of your feet before putting on your socks. I have a stick of anti-perspirant that just stays in my ski bag. Have fun!
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    As I have gotten older, things hurt more. I hope this is not the case for you. Fingers are crossed. Wool socks are thee best.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I almost frost bit my toes when skiing several years ago and since then I get what they call "chillblains." My toes turn red and it's fairly painful, only when they get cold. As @grace42c said, it could be a circulation problem. I'm sure that's what initially caused mine.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I'm a Nordic skier so things are a little different and I'm not 100% sure how much of this carries over, but I think a lot does. Boots are insulated because people ski when it's cold. It's probably not that. Unless maybe yours leak a little? But you get the best control when they're tight, so everybody cranks them down. That can cut off your circulation, or it can not but still hurt. Mostly I prefer rolling hills, when I go down too long in a row my feet cramp up. The rest of the time I'm moving them a lot but on a long steep descent I'm just using them to control myself, and eventually it starts to hurt. Takes longer than I'd like to go away but it always goes.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses. Age-- yeah-- hadn't thought about that factor- but, definitely could contribute. I am guessing it is a circulation problem rather than the cold as @NorthCascades has suggested. I think the boots are pretty tight- and since I am skiing very infrequently - it hurts. I didn't know about the artery on top of the foot mmmm- that may be where the boot is the tightest. I did wonder if snow was getting in somehow because after a run my boots were completely covered in snow. But, they are new boots and the feet did not feel wet anywhere when taking them out. Also, I am a non-sweater-- so that moisture issue is unlikely. I have never heard of chilblains-- looked it up. My toes don't really turn red or itch but, good to know all possibilities.
  • KNoceros
    KNoceros Posts: 326 Member
    I second the bit about the forefoot and tie clips. Most recreational alpine skiers do their boots up much too tight.
    The “top” two clips should be pretty tight, but so you can still close / open them with the fingers of one hand. Do these up first. They hold your foot in place. The other two clips are really only there to keep the snow out / prevent excessive foot movement. In a really well fitted boot with the top clips done up and the bottom ones hooked over, flexing your stance should causes these clips to close themselves!

    Also, if your feet are getting cold be sure your liners are really dry every night. You can either do this with boot warmers (I don’t as I have heat moulded liners and footbeds and they were expensive!) or by taking the liners out at night and standing them somewhere warm. It’s pretty easy to do but hard to explain. Probably a video on you-tube somewhere.
    Stops the horrid boot smell too....

    (Part-time ski instructor)
  • adescut
    adescut Posts: 19 Member
    I used to get toe bang when I was learning to ski because I kept leaning back instead of staying centered. It was pushing my toes into the front of the boots. Just a thought.
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