Help - I am being SUCH a spaz lol!

Hi all :D !
Hope you are all good and having a great morning / afternoon / evening :-*
Ok so I woke 2 hours ago, came downstairs to discover a BRAND NEW AB CRUNCH CHAIR :D !! I am SO EXCITED !! the only thing is I am epileptic, my co ordinartions are crap and I OBVIOUSLY know you have to sit in the chair, arms above your head, push your feet out??? But then???
How does it work those abs??!!
Sorry for my crap post but its just staring at me in the middle of the room and i would love to be getting right on it!
Much love xx


  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Sit in a normal chair and try to put your feet out. Touch your abs. They contract. With ab cruncher you get additional weight on the feet, so your abs have to work harder to pick them up. Simples :)
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Can't help you on how to use it but I am intrigued, how did it get there, has Christmas come early in your house lol!! Enjoy it once you have some far more constructive replies than mine :bigsmile:
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Thankyou halina :)
    And no christmas is not early i wish lol - i always wanted one and i had a seizure yesterday and to cheer me up instead of pushing myself too much running etc as my neurologist will go MENTAL i can now watch Maury provich whilst doing my abs :D !! XX
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • DarMC
    DarMC Posts: 78 Member
    Depends on which one you have.

    1.You lay back on it, put your arms on the bars, bring your knees in, then back out, keeping them off the floor, slightly.

    2.Lay flat, rest your back on the pad, push your arms down on the bars and rock your back up slightly, then back down.

    ***You can also put the name of it on the internet put a coma and type in instructions. A lot of info should come up with step by step instructions, for the one you own.

    Good luck!