losing weight = acne?

I thought that losing weight and eating healthier would mean better skin, but instead I'm starting to look like a 16 year old. My co-workers are going to start calling me pizza face soon.

Anyone else have a problem with beak outs when they started losing weight? Did you find anything that helped it go away?


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Are you drinking a ton of water? That seems to help the overall quality of my skin. I've always had issues with my skin breaking out, but not worse when losing weight.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Have you had a major change in diet? Eating too low? Not getting enough nutrients? Eating a ton of protein and no carbs (just an example)? Any change in diet can send your body into an uproar.

    It could be hormones, but it could also be your sweat irritating your face. Try washing/wiping immediately after you're done working out and see if that helps.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    My acne and overall skin tone has significantly lessened since I became serious about weight loss, proper diet, and fitness, so unfortunately I cannot relate! What really did it for me was almost completely removing all pre-packaged and processed foods from my diet (the only foods in my house that fit into these categories, IMHO, are sauces, canned goods, and pre-packaged frozen produce - I still eat fast food at least once a week) and drinking more water than any other beverage.

    Agreed with the other responses: it could just be a hormonal change since your body is getting used to a new lifestyle. I can't imagine you're still eating exeuberant amounts of greasy food, but maybe there is something else in your diet that is new that your body is oddly reacting to? Drink LOTS of water, because it always helps your skin! And, this may be a silly thing to ask, but do you always shower and really scrub after a work-out? If I don't shower at least the next morning, I end up with breakouts by the following day, and if I don't scrub hard enough I end up breaking out a little more than usual too.
  • omariea
    omariea Posts: 11
    I think the only connections between weight loss/acne would be hormonal changes (unlikely) or that you're sweating more working out and maybe not washing your face to get the sweat off every time (more likely!). I agree with the ladies above...drink a lot of water and try to keep your skin clean and moisturized :)
  • RenshiG
    RenshiG Posts: 71 Member
    There are several factors that could influence this:

    - If your skin is not used to sweating as much (i.e. you added a good bit of exercise to it.) it will take time to adjust.

    - Depending on what skin care routine you use... it might not be adequate to handle skin that now behaves... differently. Your moisturizer might clog pores that now are trying to open up and presperate and free themselves of the dirt/toxins that have hidden inside. If you wash your face much more frequently now for instance after your work out you might be creating a bacterial (good-bad bacteria) imbalance. Maybe your soap is too harsh for increased use. Do you wear make up during your work outs? Bottom line: You might have to adjust your skin care/make up products.

    - I notice that after certain types of work outs/ weather conditions I continue sweating even after my shower. Its only a little but if I do def on my face. I do my best to delay putting on make up or even skin care right after washing if I feel my heart rate is still going and I am still prespiring (only about 10 min. or so). I usually blott my face down again before putting anything on if this happens.

    - Changing what you eat: this is actually somewhat similar to my first point. Your skin shows changes going on in your body. Different (including better) food might change your metabolism, hormones, nutrients and your skin might struggle to adjust. Sometimes supplementing with some B vitamine complex can help esp if there is any chance you might be deficient in that arena.

    - If you loose a huge amount very suddenly toxins that were stored in your fat cells can be released and are now being expelled partially through your skin since it is your skin that very much helps you to rid your body of such (one reason why sweating is so healthy).

    - Do you use towel the gym offers? I bring my own. I am sensitive to certain detergents and while I know they try their best to keep the towels clean I want to know what is "on them" when I wipe my face with them (esp if they are kind of scrubby and scrub your pores in a sweating state.... you don't want to "exfoliate" dirt or chemicals irritating your skin into it during your work out.

    As to how long it takes to go away? Several things can cause the issues you are experiencing.

    Overall, it depends on how many changes your body is going through and how extreme your changes are. Generally a few weeks for skin care product issues once resolved (I know skin needs about 2-3 weeks to adapt to a new skin care routines often leading to the expelling of stuff other skin care products didn't "clean up properly" and thus slight break outs during that time. I am a Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay and we see that all the time. If it is only skin care based it should disappear within 2-3 weeks of changing the routine).

    I think I would look at skin care first and your routine for it (post work out sweat etc), drink tons of water increasing the rate your skin can expell/sweat out toxins and sort of "water them down" and keep things clean without stripping your skin.

    I am thinking from my own experience that after about a month my skin has readjusted to the new sweating state/condition/circumstance and has adapted there. I notice that on my face as well as my back.

    I have been were you are and it sucks. See whether anything I mention maybe rings a bell and try to adjust a few things but also know it will take at least 2-3 weeks prob to see real changes.
  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    My skin also broke out when i started dieting but dieting in the 'wrong' way. so for example skipping meals so i can have wine, since ive been eating 'proper' meals and eating 'cleaner' my skin is clearing up although its still a little red from where the blemishes were. Rather unsightly arnt they but there not forever thank goodness?! I also put the break outs down to additional home stress etc..

  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    I think my diet is pretty balanced and I usually wash after exercise. I will try to drink more water. Could be hormonal; it seem to get worse during my TOM.
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    It may just be another way of your system purging the toxins left in your body. I was the same way when I changed my diet for the better too, but then it all cleared up. It just took a couple weeks of drinking a ton of water and really watching what I ate.
    After a while, everything should balance out.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I think my diet is pretty balanced and I usually wash after exercise. I will try to drink more water. Could be hormonal; it seem to get worse during my TOM.

    Breakouts are always always always worse at TOM :laugh: I try to ignore them because I know why they are there already.

    I did come across a site once that explained what pimples on what locations of your face mean (supposedly) - some areas are (again, supposedly - I did not go into further research about this) more prone to hormonal breakouts, while others are food related. Just Google it and I'm sure you'll find something similar! It may be a good start if there are a few really bad problem areas.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Fat stores a lot of things, including hormones and chemicals. As you burn fat whatever was being stored in your fat gets released. This can cause hormonal fluctuations, which can be exacerbated if you use or have used products that contain estrogen mimicking chemicals like parabens.
  • honoralexandria
    honoralexandria Posts: 9 Member
    Keep in mind as well, if you're in the beginning of losing weight and changing your diet, that's actually stressful to the body. Not all stress is bad, and in this case, the end result is good. But switching into "fat burning mode" requires several changes to happen at a metabolic level. These changes are technically a stress to the body, which can trigger other side effects such as acne.

    You should find that as you continue to eat well (lots of fruits and veggies, fiber, lean protein and low to no refined sugar) and exercise, the acne may settle down.
    If there are other symptoms accompanying the acne (fatigue, pain, fever, etc) you may have a food allergy or sensitivity.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I thought that losing weight and eating healthier would mean better skin, but instead I'm starting to look like a 16 year old. My co-workers are going to start calling me pizza face soon.

    Anyone else have a problem with beak outs when they started losing weight? Did you find anything that helped it go away?

    I've heard several women complain of this. I think it likely has to do with temporary hormone disruptions. If you are lifting weights, you will get a bit more androgenic hormones circulating as you will with exercise in general. Sweating stimulates sebaceous secretions (initiating or aggravating acne).

    Try cutting out wheat (you could substitute 100% organic rye bread, if you can find it). My daughter had a fairly severe problem with acne until she cut wheat and cow's milk out of her diet. She eats organic 100% whole rye and goat's milk and has a complexion like a baby now. It only took about six months of the new regime to totally change her tendency to acne.

    Finally, are you approaching menopause? I have also heard that the hormone disruptions leading up to menopause can cause acne in women who hadn't had it since they were teenagers. If that's the case, you could look into "bio-identical progesterone cream" supplementation. Dr. John Lee was a pioneer in that field. Here is his organization's website: http://www.johnleemd.com/
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their replies! I don't really wear make up during the week and I don't go to a gym, so I use my own towels. I have used Proactiv and other products, but they have not worked for me. I read in a homeopathic book that using coconut oil instead of soap or cleanser helped with break outs since it wouldn't strip your skin. I started this and it worked really well for quite a while. However, in the last month or so, since I've started losing weight again, I have been breaking out again. I definitely will Google that site.

    Maybe it is just the changes in diet and exercise, and I just need to be patient. Thanks again!
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    I thought that losing weight and eating healthier would mean better skin, but instead I'm starting to look like a 16 year old. My co-workers are going to start calling me pizza face soon.

    Anyone else have a problem with beak outs when they started losing weight? Did you find anything that helped it go away?

    I've heard several women complain of this. I think it likely has to do with temporary hormone disruptions. If you are lifting weights, you will get a bit more androgenic hormones circulating as you will with exercise in general. Sweating stimulates sebaceous secretions (initiating or aggravating acne).

    Try cutting out wheat (you could substitute 100% organic rye bread, if you can find it). My daughter had a fairly severe problem with acne until she cut wheat and cow's milk out of her diet. She eats organic 100% whole rye and goat's milk and has a complexion like a baby now. It only took about six months of the new regime to totally change her tendency to acne.

    Finally, are you approaching menopause? I have also heard that the hormone disruptions leading up to menopause can cause acne in women who hadn't had it since they were teenagers. If that's the case, you could look into "bio-identical progesterone cream" supplementation. Dr. John Lee was a pioneer in that field. Here is his organization's website: http://www.johnleemd.com/

    I might try this diet, if nothing else works! I will be 30 this month, so hopefully I'm not headed for menopause quite yet. Thanks though!
  • dulcemiel
    dulcemiel Posts: 48 Member
    its also your body detoxing. Keep drinking water, and try and shower or wash your face as soon as you are done with a workout.
  • RenshiG
    RenshiG Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their replies! I don't really wear make up during the week and I don't go to a gym, so I use my own towels. I have used Proactiv and other products, but they have not worked for me. I read in a homeopathic book that using coconut oil instead of soap or cleanser helped with break outs since it wouldn't strip your skin. I started this and it worked really well for quite a while. However, in the last month or so, since I've started losing weight again, I have been breaking out again. I definitely will Google that site.

    Maybe it is just the changes in diet and exercise, and I just need to be patient. Thanks again!

    I was just thinking of you this am. Do you use hair spray? I noticed that when I increased my workouts I increased how often I used hair spray (i.e. after the work outs). It was that that triggered my breakouts esp on my shoulders with the mist settling on my shoulders after the shower. (It also caused me to develop a persistent cough but that's a different story)
    Sometimes it is the really little things we don't consider, little changes in our patterns that get us.

    I also heard of coconut oil and used that for a while myself (plus sweet almond oil) but since then have switched to use Mary Kay products and just love them. They also have a new line called Clear Proof... their answer to ProActive. It has helped several of my friends with their issues even a few of those who had allergic reactions to ProActive. If you want to try it let me know and I would be happy to hook you up.
  • petergruenbeck
    petergruenbeck Posts: 2 Member
    As a guy I noticed that too. Acne started on the face and neck, next popped up on the shoulders and waist, now on thighs and buttocks, and even the feet. I suspect the fats being metabolized is releasing some stored up toxins and the lymph system is not keeping up. Maybe that's why some cancers seem to start in fatty tissue. Need to keep hydrated as it all has to metabolize and be flushed out via the kidneys and liver.. I'm down about 60 lbs over 8 months - my knees say thank you.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    I've noticed it too! It sucks!!! I try putting witch hazel on my breakouts and that seems to help some...
  • markrichtsspraytan
    markrichtsspraytan Posts: 89 Member
    Another thing to consider is stress. I find it very stressful to stick to such a low calorie limit (1200, since I am short and don't have a lot to lose, though I have upped it to 1330 lately) and that can cause changes in my hair and skin. If you're finding yourself stressing out about eating choices and exercising, that can cause some acne.
  • guillaro1987
    guillaro1987 Posts: 14 Member
    As a guy I noticed that too. Acne started on the face and neck, next popped up on the shoulders and waist, now on thighs and buttocks, and even the feet. I suspect the fats being metabolized is releasing some stored up toxins and the lymph system is not keeping up. Maybe that's why some cancers seem to start in fatty tissue. Need to keep hydrated as it all has to metabolize and be flushed out via the kidneys and liver.. I'm down about 60 lbs over 8 months - my knees say thank you.

    I'm having the same thing I'm down 63lbs in 9 weeks
    But these odd pimples are popping up EVERYWHERE!!
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    As a guy I noticed that too. Acne started on the face and neck, next popped up on the shoulders and waist, now on thighs and buttocks, and even the feet. I suspect the fats being metabolized is releasing some stored up toxins and the lymph system is not keeping up. Maybe that's why some cancers seem to start in fatty tissue. Need to keep hydrated as it all has to metabolize and be flushed out via the kidneys and liver.. I'm down about 60 lbs over 8 months - my knees say thank you.

    I'm having the same thing I'm down 63lbs in 9 weeks
    But these odd pimples are popping up EVERYWHERE!!

    64lbs in 9 weeks? I think you are going to have more issues to worry about than just acne... also, this thread is from 5 years ago.
  • slbbw
    slbbw Posts: 329 Member
    Look at your nutrients and try and get a sense if your vitamin may be low. I found myself in a Mg deficit over the summer and terrible breakouts and fatigue were my main symptoms. May not be what is going on here, but looking at your mineral and Vit balance may be worthwhile.
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    I would suggest your insulin resistance has probably decreased, your thyroid and other hormones are still trying to support someone larger so your body needs to adjust and reach homeostasis again at your new weight. It is kind of like being a teenager in a way ha. If you have been using a lot of soy in your diet, cut that out, otherwise make sure your getting enough vitamin E, A, Zinc and lots of water.
  • LisaLethal
    LisaLethal Posts: 37 Member
    I am glad this post resurfaced... I'm not happy, as my face is breaking out like crazy, and I have not ever had any issues in the past with bad skin. I've not been exercising any more than I previously had been, simply eating healthier and losing weight. No medication changes, no skincare changes, no new detergents, etc.

    Curious if it really is hormonal... how long until everything evens out? I will add that I did notice that my body acted like it wanted to start a period (1.5 weeks early- when I am ALWAYS to the day on time)... ugh.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    As a guy I noticed that too. Acne started on the face and neck, next popped up on the shoulders and waist, now on thighs and buttocks, and even the feet. I suspect the fats being metabolized is releasing some stored up toxins and the lymph system is not keeping up. Maybe that's why some cancers seem to start in fatty tissue. Need to keep hydrated as it all has to metabolize and be flushed out via the kidneys and liver.. I'm down about 60 lbs over 8 months - my knees say thank you.

    I'm having the same thing I'm down 63lbs in 9 weeks
    But these odd pimples are popping up EVERYWHERE!!

    64lbs in 9 weeks? I think you are going to have more issues to worry about than just acne... also, this thread is from 5 years ago.

    I'm hoping that's a typo.
  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited March 2019
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    It took probably close to 5 months for me for my skin to look a little better. I still have acne though just not as angry inflamed that I use to get
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    estrogen is stored with fat in fat cells. as you release fat, you release estrogen. it is not uncommon to have breakouts while dieting and it does even itself out.