Stay at home mom. Needs motivation!

I'm looking to make friends who also have children and are stuggling with weight loss and their self esteem. I think it would motivate me more if I knew I wasn't alone. :)


  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    Hello, welcome to MFP. I also stay at home with children, I do work (from home) and study also and there's not much time for exercise and the kitchen is only a few steps away!
  • shaunyhall87
    shaunyhall87 Posts: 28 Member
    I know how you feel, not that i'm a mom but my fiancé is LOL

    Motivation is so hard when having children through sometimes once there in bed you just want to lie down and relax on the sofa! And you even end up in bed having an early night!

    Which results in you feeling a bit ran down and a lil ****ty with yourself which isn’t good!!

    Once the children are in bed could you maybe make it to a zumba class once or twice a week??

    If not how about your purchase a WII, Playstation, or XBox and do the work outs on there in your living room?? They are surprisingly good, even if its half hour a night after you have done it go and relax in the bath then get out and watch your soaps.

    Might sound like hard work at first but I guarantee you will feel better for it and 1, 2, 3 months down the line you will be thinking how you ever lived without it!

    Trust me once you feel better abut that, things feel better about life :)

    You can get motivated trust me :)
  • Roxanne003
    Welcome! You'll find a lot of people willing to motivate you on this website. This website is very user friendly too! If you want, add me as a friend!
  • Roxanne003
    I know how you feel, not that i'm a mom but my fiancé is LOL

    Motivation is so hard when having children through sometimes once there in bed you just want to lie down and relax on the sofa! And you even end up in bed having an early night!

    Which results in you feeling a bit ran down and a lil ****ty with yourself which isn’t good!!

    Once the children are in bed could you maybe make it to a zumba class once or twice a week??

    If not how about your purchase a WII, Playstation, or XBox and do the work outs on there in your living room?? They are surprisingly good, even if its half hour a night after you have done it go and relax in the bath then get out and watch your soaps.

    Might sound like hard work at first but I guarantee you will feel better for it and 1, 2, 3 months down the line you will be thinking how you ever lived without it!

    Trust me once you feel better abut that, things feel better about life :)

    You can get motivated trust me :)

    I like using my wii fit plus, I customized a work out for me that incorporates strength training and yoga, lasts 30 minutes, and burns 120 calories. My flexibility has improved too! :smile:
  • superstitious
    heya! im a stay at home mum from new zealand. have four kiddies, 8yo boy, 4yo girl, 3yo girl and 19mo girl.
    My motivation is to push myself... get out the door and push the buggy with the kids in it. pack them a snack bag and a book to keep them entertained. Find yourself a walk that isnt too long, but long enough to push yourself.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Nagisa_Tomoya
    I know how you feel, not that i'm a mom but my fiancé is LOL

    Motivation is so hard when having children through sometimes once there in bed you just want to lie down and relax on the sofa! And you even end up in bed having an early night!

    Which results in you feeling a bit ran down and a lil ****ty with yourself which isn’t good!!

    Once the children are in bed could you maybe make it to a zumba class once or twice a week??

    If not how about your purchase a WII, Playstation, or XBox and do the work outs on there in your living room?? They are surprisingly good, even if its half hour a night after you have done it go and relax in the bath then get out and watch your soaps.

    Might sound like hard work at first but I guarantee you will feel better for it and 1, 2, 3 months down the line you will be thinking how you ever lived without it!

    Trust me once you feel better abut that, things feel better about life :)

    You can get motivated trust me :)

    Unfortunately I can't use my right shoulder for exercises. I have torn tedons in my rotator cuff. It's to the point where I can barely lift it above my head.... therefore the game consoles are ou of the question. I figured I will exercise by dancing with my little one. That way I am also spending time with him.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Hello! I am sahm to a 7 1/2 month old girl, and a 2 year old girl. I try to get my exercise video in after I put the kids to sleep, and during the day I also babysit a 15 month old, and a 4 year old, so every day I take them outside to play for two hours, and I actually play with them! And let me tell you, tag is a great workout. So is hide n seek! I also created a mini bootcamp to play with them. I am the bootcamp leader and they have to follow my drills.