hi Fitness Pal People! i just found out about this forum and

This is great i hope i can give some support and can get help keeping on track!!!


  • DarMC
    DarMC Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome dp0983, to MFP!

    There are a lot of great people here, to help you stay motivated, and for you to motivate others.

    Easiest way is to go to Community, then click on find members. Add in info, click search, and lots of people cone up under your criteria. Message them, to ask if you can add them as a friend.

    I also went in, put in my zip code, to see how many people lived in my area, that would like to be workout buddies. I found 2, very nice people! Wa la! ;)

    Feel free to add me! :D
  • HI! DarMC is right, this site has lots of people willing and able to help. Although I must say I havent tried putting in my zip code to see if anyone else in my area is on. Now I'm going to have to find out. :smile: Well anyhow welcome and you can add me as a friend!
  • zyle
    zyle Posts: 34
    Good 2 see you on here my fellow brother in blue, ur looking great keep it up