running to fix them

acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
So I was running on the treadmill tonight trying to run my first 5k...I get to 1.25 miles and I had this cramping feeling in my stomach (it felt like i was breathing wrong type of ones) so I decided to slow down my pace from 5 mph to 4 mph and just as I continued to walk for another .25 the pain still continued. So I decided to not go any further and end my treadmill time. I know its from that I wasnt breathing right but how do I fix it in case it comes again....ive really never had that happen before but also this is also my first INTENSE run (i only had one break for about 10 seconds to get water) since March (before March I ran like twice a week for about 20 minutes)


  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    ooooh bump this for sure! i get them sometimes, other times i dont... i think it has to do with how much i eat/drink before but i havent quite tested it out yet... lol i'll let you know if i figure it out...
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Does it feel almost like a menstrual cramp? I use to get those sometimes and honestly, I don't know what caused them and I never figured out how to fix them except by stopping running and than it would fade in time. I guess I don't get them anymore, I almost forgot until I read your post.

    Good luck, I'll be interested to see if anyone knows what causes this.
  • if you think it has to do with your breathing try slowing down or stopping and putting your arms over your head to strech it out while you slow your breathing....usually works for me
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    I use to get side stitches when I first started running. That for me had to do with my breathing. I would take a few deep, long breathes and totally exhale. That usually did the trick to end the side stitch. Not sure if that's what is happening with you but try it and it may work for you as well.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I've been having this problem lately too. I've found that when I stretch really well before my runs I typically don't have any issues. It's a dull pain on my right side (I'm right-handed) and it's right where you could place your hand on your waist. A good stretch is to pull your arm over your head to stretch your core, or use a balance ball and roll to where you're stretching your back around the backside of the ball (hard to explain). Ultimately, do more core stretches before AND after your runs and you should see a huge improvement.
  • kmorr47
    kmorr47 Posts: 1
    I get these too when I run. It is called a side stitch. If you google them you can read all about them. It from either running too soon after eating or your breathing pattern.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Breathing pattern most likely.
  • I used to get them all the time and mine was a mixture of breathing and being dehydrated. I have a deviated septum so it's hard for me to breathe so i have to breathe out my mouth instead of my nose. make sure you drink a lot of fluids during the day, i found that makes it easier for me.
  • Listen to your breathing. If you always start to breathe in on one foot (right or left), try changing to start the in-breath on the other foot. It works for me.
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