First Weigh In - Ugh!

So today was my first Weigh-in since joining MFP last week. so OF COURSE I wake up crampy and bloated because it's that TOM...and the first day too which is ALWAYS the most bloated for me. So I decided to weigh in anyway and told myself I wasn't going to see the scale go down and to just not get upset if it went up.

It stayed exactly the same...I was a little disappointed of course, but also kinda happy. I figure if I can be THIS bloated and horrible feeling and the scale didn't budge even a little bit..I must have lost SOMETHING right?

Overall I'm okay with staying exactly the same considering the circumstances.


  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    You did great! It's very common for me to be up 4-6 lbs on the first day. Just stick to it and weigh again on the day after your last and that will be a true reflection of how great you are doing :smile:
  • charitycooke
    Imagine what it would have been if you hadn't been eating right! You did awesome! I bet in all reality you lost at least 2 pounds maybe more. Do not be disappointed or frustrated!! Great job!
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    Thats aweome that it stayed the same weight! when its TOM for me i gain about 3 or more lbs:( She should be coming anyday now :grumble: