Food weighing scales

Good morning, apologies if this post is in the wrong section.

My bathroom body weighing scales are connected through Fitbit and MyFitnessPal but is there a food weighing scale that could be connected to MyFitnessPal.

At the moment I weigh my food in grams write it down then input it into my fitness pal

Hope this makes sense have a good day calorie counting


  • vollkornbloedchen
    vollkornbloedchen Posts: 2,243 Member
    edited March 2019
    I'm not sure if there ever will be.
    Too many parameters would have to be entered before the data from the scale could be submitted to MFP.
    Unless one day the scale will be able to automatically recognize what is being weighed.
  • Mimicleo
    Mimicleo Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the reply I guess your right so still with the pen and paper lol so many vegetables to weigh lol
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    It might be worth it to you to buy a cheap Android tablet or phone to leave in the kitchen just for entering MFP data into the app while you are doing your weighing.