Net carb counting on the app

How do you get my fitness pal to only count net carbs? It’s making it difficult to ensure I am under my carbs for the day since I’m doing keto...I’m a keto beginner so any info will help.


  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Go into your diary settings and switch tracking sugar for tracking fiber. Your diary will now show total carb grams and fiber grams so it takes about 1/2 second to do the subtraction in your head to get net carb grams.

    MFP will not do it for you because 1) It will mean a total overhaul of the database including eliminating all user-entered items which is about 90% of the entries and 2) Keto is the flavor of the moment followed by a minority of members so they are not going to change it for a small group.
  • jwhstirling1
    jwhstirling1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Mira there is a way to get myfitnesspal to show net carbs using this method