weight is constantly up and down, very upsetting :(

Just maybe wanted some advice from everyone. :) I try to weigh myself on the same day every week, but sometimes do it a couple times a week. My weight is constantly up and down. just this month i've gone from 157.0, 157.4, 156.8 and back to 157.4. it drives me crazy and makes me completely upset. You think your doing everything right-but then the scale just goes up :( Any suggestions on what is going on would be great!!! thanks!!


  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    :smile: Stop looking at the scale or it will upset you. try for 2 weeks not to even get near the dang thing. You will be happy once you get on it again.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Weigh is in a constant state of flux for me. I try to weigh only one day a week and stick to it. Hormones can cause it...stress can cause it...water causes it lots of things cause it. Please don't be discouraged. Right there with you hon. You can do this and have already proved you can by using MFP!

    Good luck to you!
  • TruckerChick
    I am having the same problem! I think it's the obsession with the scale that is so bothersome!

    I was told that there are a number of factors that will cause your weight to go up and down... water retention, salt intake, muscle tone, bloating.

    A friend of mine said to me, "Scale, schmale. Stop worrying about what the scale says and just continue to eat healthier and the rest will fall into place." By the way, she has already lost over 200 pounds, so I guess she knows what she's talking about!! :wink:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    How long have you been dieting?
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate that way depending on various bodily factors. When time of the month comes around its not unusual for you to go up a few pounds (I go up 5). Sodium could make you go up and just something as simple as how much fluid you have in your body.

    The pound difference you've indicate minimal so don't let it upset you. Scales are evil so its best to go by how you feel, measurements, and how your clothing fits.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day? I find my weight fluctuates, but only if I break this rule. I weigh myself every morning, after my ablutions and before breakfast. Even an hour makes a difference, trust me!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    This is pretty common behavior. You do know that your weight naturally fluctuates, right?

    It's easy to get obsessive about the scale. If you MUST weight every day (or more), write down all your weights and pick a day that is your official weight day. Let's say Monday. Every Monday morning - before weighing yourself - add up all the weight measurements from the previous week and take an average weight. You might have 6 measurements, you might have 50. It doesn't matter, get the average. That is your "official" weight for that past week.

    Rinse, repeat, start again for another week. Weight loss week over week is what you want to pay attention to. Daily changes are almost meaningless.

    Accept that our weight goes up and down and you will never see a perfectly straight decreasing line in weight loss.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Just maybe wanted some advice from everyone. :) I try to weigh myself on the same day every week, but sometimes do it a couple times a week. My weight is constantly up and down. just this month i've gone from 157.0, 157.4, 156.8 and back to 157.4. it drives me crazy and makes me completely upset. You think your doing everything right-but then the scale just goes up :( Any suggestions on what is going on would be great!!! thanks!!

    that is really not that much of a fluction, i go wildly , its pretty normal.
    just this last week to this week weds of last week 188, yesturyda 195 today 190. who knows what it ill be tomorrow LOL
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    When you are close to goal weight, it's often better to start using body fat % and measurements. Weight can (and WILL) fluctuate a lot on a daily basis for a lot of reasons.

    If you must use weight, start using a chart to take readings and ONLY look at the overall trend over about a month.

    May help to read this:

  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    when I get discouraged because of ups and downs I go to the reports and look at my progress over a longer period of time...this shows me in fact this plan is working and working well
  • Eleisabelle
    Water weight, muscle gain, snacks I forget to record... these are all things that have kept me right around the same weight. Your monthly cycle will affect your weight, too, with water gain.

    On top of that, the closer you get to your goal, the slower the loss will go. Be patient with yourself. Change up your exercise routine to shock your body into burning more; staying in the same routine makes your body more efficient so it won't burn as much. Eat healthy fats like peanut butter and dark chocolate, in moderation, to make you feel full longer. Breathe, make sure you're eating enough, and put the scale away for a month or so. Then come back and see what else you need to adjust.

    Finally, use a measuring tape instead of the scale. You might be losing fat, but gaining muscle. Muscle looks more lean, but it also weighs more than fat. You might get a better sense of how things are going by looking at how your clothes fit or how many inches are gone from your waist, rather than how much you weigh.

    We all hit plateaus, and from your numbers, I think you might have done so. Don't panic. Just figure out what you need to change up. Listen to your body, not a machine that judges you by a number! You'll be fine!
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    How long have you been dieting?

    I've been tracking daily and watching what I eat and working out everyday since march 3rd of this year. I keep a journal of my weight each week and my weight fluctuation is constant. there was only one time in a three week period that it went down each time. Then back up of course!! march 3rd i was at 169.2, and today 157.4. My original goal weight was 150, but I'm starting to think that maybe 145 wouldn't be too bad... (I'm 5'8)
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day? I find my weight fluctuates, but only if I break this rule. I weigh myself every morning, after my ablutions and before breakfast. Even an hour makes a difference, trust me!

    Yes, I make sure to weigh myself at the same time, wearing the same thing!! :)
  • rgalloway49
    rgalloway49 Posts: 16 Member
    My weight is always fluxing between 2-3 pounds. When people ask what my goal weight is I give a range (135-138) since I know I will never stay at just one number. Don't be discouraged, give yourself a "range" goal and work to get to that. My starting weight here was 150-153 and I'm at 136-138 now. Try not to worry so much over the numbers and focus on how you feel and look as well.
  • hna84
    hna84 Posts: 26 Member
    You might want to check your sodium intake and see where it is on a daily basis. If you are consuming more than you should be and not drinking enough water/fluids your body will not be able to flush out the excess sodium which will cause water retention and you will see those up and down numbers on the scale. Try keeping it between 1500-1900mg per day and see if that changes anything. Hope this helps! :)
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    This is pretty common behavior. You do know that your weight naturally fluctuates, right?

    It's easy to get obsessive about the scale. If you MUST weight every day (or more), write down all your weights and pick a day that is your official weight day. Let's say Monday. Every Monday morning - before weighing yourself - add up all the weight measurements from the previous week and take an average weight. You might have 6 measurements, you might have 50. It doesn't matter, get the average. That is your "official" weight for that past week.

    Rinse, repeat, start again for another week. Weight loss week over week is what you want to pay attention to. Daily changes are almost meaningless.

    Accept that our weight goes up and down and you will never see a perfectly straight decreasing line in weight loss.

    Sorry, I should have worded what I said differently. I weigh myself once a week, usually on friday, but sometimes I will weigh a couple days before my weigh date. on the 3rd of aug I was at 157, aug 12 157.4, aug 19 156.8 and today back to 157.4...
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    To be honest, the numbers you listed are not that different - meaning that it's not fluctuating as much as it could given what time of month it is, etc. Just try not to get on the scale more than once a week - at the same time, without clothes on. You probably already know this but it depends on what you've eaten, how much water you are retaining, etc...

    Try not to sweat it! Don't let it ruin your day - not worth it!
  • rgalloway49
    rgalloway49 Posts: 16 Member
    You've lost 10 lbs already since you've started, that's awesome! Don't sweat the little 1 lb ups and downs, they happen, overall you are doing great!
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    You're tearing yourself up because your weight fluctuates 0.6 pounds? Really??? Here's some context for you: my weight fluctuates 3-6 pounds from day to day.

    Best advice here is to stop relying on a scale as your measure of your progress. It's just one small tool -- track your body fat percentage, track your measurements, track how your clothes fit, track how well you're improving on your exercise goals, and track how well you're doing on food logging -- and place value on the changes over the long-term, not from day-to-day. Do those things and you'll have a much better read on how your new lifestyle is affecting your body.