
Hey there,
I've been using MFP for almost two weeks now, and there's a community so it seems! Yay. The only problem is that through the website I get on the Dutch version, and through the app it's the the English version... So I will have to figure that one out later.
Oh, if my grammar sucks a little, it's because English is not my mother language :)

So... What's about me;

For over a decade already I have been having this eating disorder... In every stage, form and shape, quite literally. The last couple of years it was more focused on binge eating. I learned how to stop the compensating coping mechanisms.... So I gained lots of weight.
And ast year I started with quite a lot of medication which also caused extra kilos...

Since a few weeks or a few months maybe, it seems like I know how to deal with / handle my binges. Yay!! So this made me want to take a new step: I want to focus on maybe losing some weight again, so I can (in the end) reach a healthy weight some day.
Yes. I need to watch out this doesn't become an obsession for me, but I think I'm very aware of what I'm doing ;)

Besides the eating disorder, I also suffer from depression and anxiety. It's a joyful combination :')
My anxiety causes me to stay inside the house a lot. So my exercise is little to nothing. I have to figure it out with the food I guess.
Btw. It doesn't mean I don't challenge myself to take steps to go outside. I really do. It's just difficult.

Anyways. About the food... I'm vegan. Almost for two or three years now.
I calculated my so called tdee calories etc... And to lose weight I should eat 1800 calories a day. And to stay the same weight I should eat 2300. But as I said before; I don't want to be obsessive... Everything in between is OK for me. And as I've seen last two weeks, my average days are around 1800 or 1900 cals. I'm happy with that. Especially as I don't binge :)

My main goal is to reach a healthy weight. But for now that's way too far ahead, because I need to lose approximately 40+ kg (100+pounds).
So my goal for just now, is to see the number on the scale go downwards.

I'm open to friend requests. It would be nice to tell something about yourself then if you do :)


This Dutchie :)
