How do you curb emotional eating?



  • ohsogoodfitness
    seriously take a look at your life. All of the posts have a lot of quick distractions. Those are temporary. Think about the cause. What is out of control in your life that is causing you to turn to something unhealthy for comfort. If it wasn't food it would be something else! So, take an honest look. The lesson is not outside of you. It's within in. You can find it. Just listen to your soul. Listen to your emotions. Do not be afraid of them, and do not hide them so you can appear to handle more. Next time you go for food for comfort, put it aside and find out what the real issue is. You are a capable person. You can do this.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I so agree with Dkmkjkat.

    I have recently discovered Buddhism (not as a religion) but as a way of coping with stress and its helped me so much - I used to try to distract myself with exercise, TV, new hobbies but they are short term cover-ups!

    Now I'm giving myself some head-time through meditation to work through my stresses and how I might attack/handle the challenges. Its scary and I don't always get an answer right away but its really helped me put things into perspective and keep on top of the challenges life chucks at me.

    I thought meditation was for hippies and yoga-types but it's not - it's for everyone if they can "give" themselves a few minutes a day.

    Good luck honey - you don't need food to make you feel better - it's a quick fix with a long-term price.
  • ktaygal
    ktaygal Posts: 10
    Thank you. This was really wise advice, and I will certainly take it to heart. I appreciate your encouragement!
  • ktaygal
    ktaygal Posts: 10
    seriously take a look at your life. All of the posts have a lot of quick distractions. Those are temporary. Think about the cause. What is out of control in your life that is causing you to turn to something unhealthy for comfort. If it wasn't food it would be something else! So, take an honest look. The lesson is not outside of you. It's within in. You can find it. Just listen to your soul. Listen to your emotions. Do not be afraid of them, and do not hide them so you can appear to handle more. Next time you go for food for comfort, put it aside and find out what the real issue is. You are a capable person. You can do this.
    This was really great for me to consider. Thank you. I am dealing with some pretty major stuff right now, but you're right, if I don't actually face the issue, I will just turn to something else.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Well if you are dealing with really serious stuff you need to nuture yourself in healthy ways, not with bad food.


  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read through other peoples comments, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not, but something I found worked for me was to figure out why.

    Why do I want food? Am I hungry or feeling emotional?
    Why am I feeling emotional? What can I do about this that tackles the actual issue? Is it food related? (fyi, it has never involved needing to eat so far...)

    Sometimes I can figure out what to do, sometimes I can't, but the mere fact of realizing that I'm craving food for comfort, and that it won't actually do anything to fix the problem has really helped me curb this.

    It's a struggle that you will have to use your will power and determination to get through, but trying to actually figure out the why of it all has really helped me... hopefully it can help you too!!
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    when you are sad, go workout or do something physical. Releases endorphins that will make you feel better..immediately and if you feel better you wont want to eat
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    i eat when i am depressed. and it is usually junk
  • Mitchlou84
    Mitchlou84 Posts: 135
    when you are sad, go workout or do something physical. Releases endorphins that will make you feel better..immediately and if you feel better you wont want to eat

    This works for me! I find it much harder to get to the gym when I'm sad or down, but once there I feel so much better!
  • ohsogoodfitness
    I can't figure out how to delete. Thought I was posting somewhere else. Sorry.
  • dreaasha
    dreaasha Posts: 31
    Whenever I start going through it-I get myself up and go directly to the gym, do not stop, do not pass go-straight to the gym to sweat it out.

    I walk out of there with a brand new lease on life.