Mommy friends/group weight loss

Hi, everyone! My name is Paige. I am a mommy of 2 beautiful girls. My daughters are 6 years old and 2 months old. I am finally ready to start losing this weight but, I am breastfeeding which makes it difficult. I don't want to sacrifice my milk for weight loss.

I count calories and give myself 2,000 calories a day. I am 240+ pounds and would really like to lose 50 pounds by Christmas. That gives me about 9-10 months to lose this weight. That's 5 pounds a month which is definitely doable.

I am looking for other mommy friends or just one accountability friend to go along with my journey. I have a Facebook, we can chat on here or else exchange numbers. I am wanting to count calories and get more active throughout the Spring and Summer. I would love to meet others with similar "situations" and lose weight together.


  • dowdybrittney
    dowdybrittney Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Paige! My name is Brittney and I also want to lose 50 lbs, I'm 23 lbs into it😀. I have 2 children also, a 5 yr old and 2 yr old.
  • Daisy_Girl2019
    Daisy_Girl2019 Posts: 209 Member
    Mom here also. Just focus on eating healthy for now. Breast feeding should help with the weight lose. It's difficult to do calorie deficit while breast feeding coz you want to make sure you have enough to produce milk.
  • jordannewebb
    jordannewebb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi mommy here aswell to two girls 5 and 7 lost 3 stone a couple of years ago but with a change of job and lifestyle put it all back on hoping to lose it again and keep it off
  • jessica1999
    jessica1999 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m a mom too, I have 1 son he is 5. I want to lose around 40 pounds. I did it once but then it came back rather quickly.
  • pkksmama
    pkksmama Posts: 58 Member
    I am 2 months PP and would love to lose 40 lbs. I’m also breastfeeding and having a hard time with the deficit and keeping my milk up. It’s hard to get 2000 calories of healthy food in a day. That’s what I’m struggling with. Add me. I’d love extra support. I lost 100 lbs with my daughter who is now 8 with calorie counting
  • Lifeisart_rawr
    Lifeisart_rawr Posts: 2 Member
    I also have a 2 month old! I'm 190, would like to lose at least 35lbs, but ideally 45-50lbs. I pump, but never get much breast milk anyways, so I'm sticking to the 1200 calorie diet plus light exercising. Good luck Mamas! We got this. 😄
  • melissaschleier
    melissaschleier Posts: 27 Member
    Mom of a 5 year old beautiful girl and little man that just turned 4. I'm always running around super busy! I have 150 pounds to lose pretty much. Seems scary, and totally not achievable, but here I am starting all over again. Wish me luck. Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • kerihoes
    kerihoes Posts: 2 Member
    Hiya! My name is Keri. I have two boys ages 13 & 14. Coming off 4 very hard years of death and loss. FINALLY feel my mind shifting and my heart lighter.

    ANYWAY. Want to see about 35-40 lbs off. The one thing I have going for me is I workout consistently. Goal this week is to track every day and stay within 50 calories of 1600 intake.

    Would love to make some connections here!!!!

  • Rochelleangel
    Rochelleangel Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I’m a mom to a 4 1/2 month old and weigh 240+ lbs. Also looking to lose 50 lbs. Been walking with a Garmin watch to count steps and just started on MyFitnessPal. Add me!
  • nittle89
    nittle89 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me on here! I'm a mom to a one month old and a three year old. I'm hoping to slowly lose weight while maintaining my milk supply. I'm just under 240 lb. Right now my goal is to track with complete honesty. It's not exactly pretty, but it will give me a good idea of where I am and what changes I need to work on.
  • MrsMcAllister2287
    MrsMcAllister2287 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I am mom as well! I have a son who is 7. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been and that is just not okay with me! I want to be able to have energy to play with my kiddo and eventually conceive again but having all this extra weight makes it difficult. Looking to add some friends who like to build each other up! Feel free to add me ☺️
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Hi! I have two daughters, the eldest is almost 3 years old and the youngest will have 4 months in four days. ;) I started to get back in shape really slowly in january (at 5 weeks pp) with an aquafitness class, and I am now doing Stronglifts 5 x 5 three times a week in the gym plus an aqua bootcamp class. I try to hit between 10 000 and 15000 steps daily (I don't drive, so I walk a lot), but all this physical activity makes me REALLY hungry, so I eat a lot too, between 1900 and 2300 calories a day. Weight is coming off steadily slow, and that's fine with me.

    I previously lost a lot of weight with MFP (49 pounds with MFP, but 85 pounds total), and I was down to 230 pounds before my first pregnancy. I didn't gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, but the inactivity and hectic work-life balance after my first maternity leave made me gain back most of the weight lost with MFP. My first goal is to return to this "lowest" weight (it was my lowest since high school and I was really proud!), which is about 40 pounds away.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I would be happy to have new people on my friend list!
  • jenmarspa317
    jenmarspa317 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 3 months pp and breastfeeding. I also have a 6 year old daughter and work full time so I’m struggling to find the time to excircise. I am so uncomfortable with the way i look so I’ve decided to do something about it!
    I’d love to make some new friends on here that will help to hold me accountable and people who I can relate to.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • kerihoes
    kerihoes Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!!! I’m Keri -you can totally do this!!
  • emmabee87
    emmabee87 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to connect. I am 4 months PP and breastfeeding as well. I am around 245lbs and at this point, would be happy with any consistent weight loss. I work full time and have 2 older kids involved in multiple sports, so time is an issue for me!
  • dearnikki13
    dearnikki13 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, im Nikki. I've got a 2 year old and am over how much weight I've gained. I'm at 210 now. More than happy to connect!