Too early to take up running?

Hello everyone!
I'm wanting to get into running/jogging. However I was reading up on running for weightloss and I found that many bigger people my size have actually suffered with some injuries due to being the weight they are and running. I'm 339 pounds.

I recently went to the park and did some jogging. Well, it was more like walk for 1 min jog for 2. I didn't really notice any pain at first but after about 20-30 mins I did feel like my shins after a while did start to ache and hurt a little. I know about hairline fractures (had them in my shin before) and I just want to know if there is anyway to avoid injuries (I know you can't avoid injuries all together lol) or if I should just stick to walking for a while till I lose more weight.

Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance ! 💕


  • JaimeJaimeM
    JaimeJaimeM Posts: 63 Member
    This is something your doctor would be better off answering, but if you’re feeling pain then yes I’d stop.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    If you haven’t already, build a good walking base first. Once you are walking 30+ minutes per day for a few weeks consider a structured program like couch to 5k (c25k). I just finished week 8 and I think it’s a great program. Followed properly i thinknit will help you avoid injury. FWIW I downloaded the podcasts instead of using the app.

    My notes:
    1. Get fitted for proper running shoes at a running store. Let them evaluate your gait. This helps immensely. Everyone’s feet are different and having the right shoes can save you a lot of pain.
    2. Go slow. Slower. Really, slower. Barely jogging without much bounce to your step at all compared to walking. I was having some hip and knee pain around week 3 and slowing my pace helped considerably.

    This is excellent advice.
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    Thehardmakesitworthit Posts: 838 Member
    The advice above is solid and I would just encourage you to keep trying (once you get the medical advice nailed down). I have a runner inside me somewhere too and she is is not quite there yet....but I just keep trying. Be encouraged! You can do it!!!!!
  • ButterIsGood
    ButterIsGood Posts: 201 Member
    I would suggest starting out inside a gym if that's a possibility. Maybe start out slow by using an elliptical. They take away alot of chance of injury.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,210 Member
    However I was reading up on running for weightloss and I found that many bigger people my size have actually suffered with some injuries due to being the weight they are

    That's the problem with exercising for weight loss - people tend to progress faster than they should, to try to burn a few extra calories, and often injure themselves as a result. Your 7-10 minutes of running on your first day should have been more like 1 minute. And that should be after building a fitness base of walking an hour or so per day for a while.. and also getting approval to run from your doctor, since you've had fractures. :+1:
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Even if you don’t feel pain it doesn’t mean it’s ok. Overuse and weight related injuries often don’t show up for quite awhile, weeks, months, or even years.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't think it's too early, but following c25k or similar would be a good idea... running until it hurts is a really bad idea and very counterproductive.

    Definitely get fit for shoes.
  • GimmeAMalt
    GimmeAMalt Posts: 83 Member
    Shoes and hold off on running on hard surfaces like concrete for awhile. It will take a toll on your joints and ligaments. Most good treadmills have build in shocks to absorb the wear on your body.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,034 Member
    You have gotten some good advice here. You definitely want to walk more and start to build up the muscles in your ankles and legs so that running will be safe for you. I will add that a couch to 5k may be too agressive for you right now. There is a documentary called "From Fat to Finsh Line" on Amazon that shows a group of 12 people who lost collectively 1200 pounds and come together to run a Ragnar (200 mile relay) race. It inspired me to get started running. They have a free program called Run Your First Mile. It is very similar to a C25K but less agressive. Good luck to you and keep checking in - I love to watch the progress of people who discover running!
  • julesdechaine
    julesdechaine Posts: 138 Member
    Great advice from everyone. A good pair of running shoes, in my opinion, is absolutely the key to starting a successful running/weight loss regiment. I personally am a huge fan of Brooks and won't wear anything else. I hate running with a passion, but Brooks are lightweight and it feels like I'm running on clouds when I do.