I feel like I have HIT A WALL

I started my weight loss journey in April. Since april I have lost a total of 19lbs. I began using MFP a little over a month ago, and have lost 7lbs. but for the past two weeks I have stayed at the same weight and measurements. I feel like I am killing the workouts and I have totally changed my eating habits. I have burned more calories in the past two weeks then ever before. I guess I am just getting quite discouraged and need some inspiration. Any thought or Ideas as to how to get through this wall and continue to my goal?
I am not a quitter, I am just beginning to feel like all of my hard work in not paying off.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Are you eating too little.

    If you are not eating back your exercise calories you should start doing that. The less you have to lose the more important that becomes.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My guess, without seeing your diary, is that you aren't eating enough.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Sounds to me like you're more worried about a number on a scale than about your lifestyle (of regular exercise and good nutrition).

    I'm preaching to the choir here. Keep at it. Stay with it. Do some more reading and maybe buy some new workout music or clothes to help inspire you. And workout some more, give your body good fuel, and screw the number, it's all relative anyway. :)
  • cgsr
    cgsr Posts: 113
    I agree with the other posts...about making sure you are eating enough! I made the mistake when I first joined MFP of trying to be as far under from my calorie goal as possible. I liked seeing that little red alert once I completed my food and exercise diary about how little I would weigh in 5 weeks if "everyday were like today." Problem is, my body was going into starvation mode, and I had no energy to really work out.

    If the calories aren't the issue, it may be that switching up your workouts may help. Our muscles get used to workouts if we don't switch it up a little, every 4-6 weeks.

    Hope that helps...and good luck!
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    first off, jess... you are doing wonderful! i am thankful to have a "real" life friend on here! :flowerforyou:
    secondly... as the others were saying you may have to start eating back some of those exercise cals... i know we work so hard to get them off and when we do the math we are thinking cals in v. cals out buuut our body can enter a starvation mode and we need to eat them back- i am going with the above comments, try an increase maybe 200 cals or so during the next week and see if that helps?
  • Jrab6486
    Jrab6486 Posts: 31
    THanks everyone for the responses....I just hate to eat more....You are all very right. I do try to eat as little as possible because I love seeing the little red words "if every day were like today." But it could be possible that I am not eating enough....I just work so darn hard to burn those calories that I don't want to put them back into my body!
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I agree with the other posts...about making sure you are eating enough! I made the mistake when I first joined MFP of trying to be as far under from my calorie goal as possible. I liked seeing that little red alert once I completed my food and exercise diary about how little I would weigh in 5 weeks if "everyday were like today." Problem is, my body was going into starvation mode, and I had no energy to really work out.

    If the calories aren't the issue, it may be that switching up your workouts may help. Our muscles get used to workouts if we don't switch it up a little, every 4-6 weeks.

    Hope that helps...and good luck!

    I agree with this!