Meal plans for Gastritis?

I am new to having gastritis. Until my recent diagnosis, I was successfully keeping weight off with my workouts and by managing my macros at 40% carbs, 30% fats, & 30% proteins... But now I am unsure of 1) which foods to even eat, 2) how to keep a healthy meal plan with out causing a gastritis episode & 3) if it even safe to try to maintain my macro goals which this condition.
Anybody in this same situation and willing to share their successful daily meal plans so I can try to find what’s right for me?!
Thanks for any insight!


  • Nerys52
    Nerys52 Posts: 86 Member
    I do not know if mention of other websites is allowed. But if you google gastritis foods to avoid a site comes up with many listings of what to avoid eating. I have myself digestive issues due to my cardiac meds and is finding out what falls heavy and then avoid it.See healthline gastritis-diet.
    No stodgy heavy dishes, no carbonated fizzy drinks,no fatty foods, no spicy dishes, no alcohol.
    One thing that helps is yoghurt the plain white. Hope this helps.
  • thiaelise33
    thiaelise33 Posts: 3 Member
    I have suffered from gastritis for many years. I also have peptic ulcers from it. So when I eat, I think of things that soothe or coat. You can certainly research as I did but over time you just learn what your "triggers" are and naturally avoid them - for example I cannot drink wine or hard alcohol. I cannot tolerate heavy red sauce such as spaghetti or lasagne. Lastly, if your doctor hasn't already done so, talk to him/her about being prescribed a acid reducer - Protronix. I am on it and it truly has saved my from a day of pain more than once.Hope this helps!

  • thiaelise33
    thiaelise33 Posts: 3 Member
    One last thing😁 My go to meals are yoghurt like the other member suggested, salads, Cream of Chicken Soup, Homemade Chicken and Dumplings, Pot Pie, Scrambled or hard boiled eggs, etc. Think soothing! And be careful with fruits - a lot of them are very acidic.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    There's important information missing.

    To start, is it acute gastritis or chronic? I know how you treat, at least in animals other than humans, is very different between the two. Namely, simplistically for brevity's sake, because one is expected to eventually resolve with short term treatment(s) while the other is a long term managed condition.

    Do you not have access, or at the very least referral to, to a registered dietician as part of your diagnosis? I mean, yeah, I see after a cursory search that Dr. Google can spit out all sorts of information at you to wade through. But the questions you are asking are ones that should have some in-person interaction and follow up with someone with expertise in the field of human dietetics vs. being left all alone in the woods with only anecdotes to keep you warm at night.

  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis and once I got on Prilosec I was able to eat anything I wanted. You should ask about a PPI so the lining can heal. I tried a gastritis friendly diet (along with DGL) for months hoping to heal it naturally but I didn't feel better until the Prilosec.
  • kmaxwell44
    kmaxwell44 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply! We are still figuring my particular type. I am currently on Omperazole 40mg once a day and supplement with DGL licorice chewable as needed. The meds worked beautifully for about a month, but now it seems they are not working and I am consistently sick by mid-day. Unfortunately, Yogurt is a definite trigger for me, and I have my list of what to avoid, but in these early stages, I’m really just wanting to try different suggested daily plans to see if I can at least get a day or two that I could repeat until we get more information from my upcoming ultrasound and samples.
    So far, as I track the foods that have settled well (a lot of what theaelise33 mentioned), it’s a terrible balance of macronutrients, so that was my other hope to find some plans that are already within my goals.
    Thanks again for all your feedback, I’ll keep at it & may just need to just take it in the wallet and find a Nutritionist (as grinning-chick suggested) to help get plans together. 😉
  • Daisy_Girl2019
    Daisy_Girl2019 Posts: 209 Member
    BRAT diet then go from there. Slowly incorporate your old diet, but if you flare up stick with Brat and stay away from your triggers.
  • bsousa16
    bsousa16 Posts: 1 Member
    I have suffered with gastritis for years and was on omperazole as well which eventually stopped working. I went to a naturopath and found out that dairy was my trigger, on top of the others foods google tells you not to eat (alcohol, coffee, spicy foods). All these years, I was told to eat dairy to sooth my stomach and it was actually inflaming my system more. Not a bad idea to get some help and start the process of elimination.