Lost two stone and then gained one back

Hi there
Kept up the fitness but forgot calorie counting last few months and have gained the second stone I lost back:(
Please send reassuring words as looking forward to losing all three stone I set out to do!


  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    This happened to me. Lost 6st gained 2 back then a 3rd. Lost a stone last year in keto. But bouncing up and down 3lbs:( I'm trying to get back in top of control my portion size aswell as cutting sweets back I'm going wedding dress shopping in July so I wanna lose a stone by then finger crossed never give up on your goal its worth fighting for. Sometimes life does take over but just jump back in it when your ready and mentally ready too xx
  • goslingkate981
    goslingkate981 Posts: 9 Member
    With you all the way.. . Well done for recognising the areas where you need to be more aware. Wishing you alm best for wedding:)