
Hi All

I started on here ages ago but didn't stick to it, but I'm back and determined to stick to it this time.

I've just got married and we have been talking about starting a family at some point but I don't even want to think about getting pregnant at my current weight; I want to get as fit and healthy as I can before we start trying so that baby and I will be as well as possible during and after it's born! So that's my motivation!

I'm currently 195lb, having lost 1lb this week, and I ideally, I would like to get down to 168lb. When I get there, I'll see how I feel and decide then if I want to lose any more.

I'd really love to have some MFP buddies to help me along the way and I can try to help you too! Add me if you want to!!


  • npostma
    npostma Posts: 33
    Hi! Best of luck to you!
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    Welcome back and the best of luck to you on your journey !

    Add me as a friend your more than welcome more the merrier I say :-)

  • I LOVE myfitness pal i stared the biggest loser 30 day challenge 2 weeks before i found this site/app!!! I lost 5 lbs before i got the app and now that i am using my fitnesspal and finished the 30 day challenge i have lost 25lbs in 12 weeks!!! The 30 day challenge is all about making the lifestyle change and i can truly testify that it works. I've made the life style change and i never want to go back to the bad eating habits i had before! I love using myfitness pal as a food and exercise diary its very convenient bc i don't have to carry a notebook and pen with me everywhere i go to log down what i eat i have it on my phone! Its great!!!!! I know i have been using this site for a while now and i need some dieting friends!!!! feel free to send a friend request! We all could use extra encouragment from people every now and then!!! I hope everyone has success with the diet like i have! This thing really works!!!!!!
  • mpcass
    mpcass Posts: 86
    Welcome back! Add me as a friend if you like.