
I've been using the MFP website for about six weeks now. The first five weeks were great. I chose to base my daily calories on a 1.5 pound per week weight loss, which means a daily allotment of 1410 calories. Over the first five weeks, I was pleased to see an average loss of two pounds per week even though I occasionally went over the allotted calories. Over the past week and a half, I have been under the allotted calories every single day, and I have not lost a single pound.

Has my body simply adjusted to the amount of calories that I'm giving it and now I am stuck at this new reduced calorie level forever?

If I tried to eat at a "maintenance" level now, would I start gaining weight?

since 1410 calories is technically below the 1500 calories for starvation mode, is it possible that I am in starvation mode? If so, how do I get out of it without gaining weight?


  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Age, weight, exercise level?
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    make sure your eating at least your calorie goal
    sometimes when dropping under the body will not
    budge! crazy but true I had the same problem not long ago
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I had the same thing when I reached 7lbs didn`t lose anything for around 10days. So I had an overeat day. I ate my normal (new low cal) breakfast and overate by 500 cals at lunchtime then ate my low cal dinner. I did not do any exercise that day.

    The next day I lost half a pound and seem to be back on track losing a little steadily.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Age, weight, exercise level?

    Profile says 54 years old and signature tells his weight...
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    Eat more!!! You reall need to eat your exercise points and not go below the recommended calories if possible. MFP sets you up for loss just by doing your day to day life. Exercise is extra and needs to be fueled!

    I had a 45 day plateau and until I ate more (which I did not want to do because it seemed backwards to me, until the nutritionist nearly kicked my *kitten*!) I did not move 1 single ounce! Once i gave up ate a few more carbs and made sure I ate all my calories (including exercise) I finally dropped 4 pounds this last week!

    YAY! Its so personal, but the science is simple, fuel the body, use the body, love the body!
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    That happens to many if not most of us. If you have been exercising, you have been building muscle which weighs more than fat. Also, on our way up to getting large, we stop along the way, "set points" and we tend to stop at those same set points coming down as well.

    If we were at a set point for a long time, then the body tries to hold on to that level as best it can.

    Be patient and consistent and eventually your body will give in...
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    It sounds to me like your body is going into starvation mode due to the fact that you are not eating enough calories. I went through the same thing. Your body is actually feeding off of your intake rather than your reserve and that's why you stopped losing weight. Make sure you eat at least enough calories to reach your daily target. That should help.
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Age, weight, exercise level?

    Profile says 54 years old and signature tells his weight...
    lol derp! Thanks. =)

    edit: And it looks like the above responses are of course correct. You need to eat more, To lose weight, you should be eating 1978-2373 calories per day. Which you could increase without weight gain by a few hundred if you are exercising a good amount. You're in starvation mode.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
  • Thanks for all the replies! I will try raising my calorie goal to the one pound per week level for a while and see if that helps.
  • yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i broke through my first plateau!

    thanks everyone for all your advice. i increased my daily calories to around 1600, and i really tried to mix up my days - some high protein, some high fiber. i even allowed myself a couple of splurges - went out to dinner with my wife at a nice restaurant one night, and pretty much pigged out all day one day. totally ignored the scale for over a week. today, i nervously weighed in, and tada! not only had my weight dropped two full pounds, i've met my first goal, which was to be no longer in the "obese" range for bmi.

    i'm stoked!