Activity Level

Hello All,

I'm a stay at home Mom to 3 busy boys (ages 3, 2, 10 months) during the day and a cashier at Walmart in the evenings. So I'm wondering what I should be putting for my activity level. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • olafg
    olafg Posts: 4
    Depends on how active you are with your kids and if you're sitting at the register or having to walk around a lot. I'd put somewhere in between low to moderate with the info given.

    Also, if you can, you should stand while at the register it sure is much better than sitting!
  • motherof2wins
    motherof2wins Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a stay at home mother of twin 3 year olds so I hear ya! I work out during nap time or get up in the AM and go walking before my hubby leaves for work. PM is not good for me. I would much rather work out in the Am and start my day off right. If sucks getting up at 5:30 AM but it sucks even more to spend my hard earned money on a larger size clothing and Dr's bills. Let ne know how it's going.