Starting anew...again

marheat Posts: 8
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there!

So I joined MFP in December-ish. Completely lost site of everything and now I'm coming back to try again. I know I can do this. My family, especially my husband, says I have the will of an Ox when I want to do something. So why can't I do this??? It's so frustrating!!

How many times does it to take for it to actually stick and I really do this thing???

The more friends the better if you think you can keep my butt in line!!! :)

Thanks for "listening"....that helped :)


  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    I've been there...just getting back into it myself. Feel free to add me...and good luck! You can do it!
  • This is my third week and I've "quit" at least 5 When I get to the point that I feel like I want to give in and have a big, fat cheeseburger, I think of my jeans I bought last year and how pi$$ed off I am that they do not fit anymore. I KNOW I can do this and so can you!! Honestly, this website has helped me sooo much because my boyfriend is not yet ready to start healthy (although he could use it) and my kids, of course, have no weight to lose. The people on here are supportive and this has become an addiction to me to keep myself from falling off that wagon :)
  • welcome back, wel if its any consolation its taken me over 5yrs to finally motivate myself into getting in shape and its been working so well for me i determined to stick with it.

    You will have your off days, but people on this site are so friendly and really good at keeping you motivated so try and stick with it if you can, you will be so glad when you start to see results.

    Fell free to add me if you like:flowerforyou:
  • Oh yeah - and add me as a friend.. I'll keep you motivated :)
  • Hfxgal
    Hfxgal Posts: 57
    welcome back! Please feel free to add me if you wish

    Take care :-)
  • I completely understand. I go through phases where I stick to it but then I become discouraged. Im hoping this time I stick with it.
  • billuaa
    billuaa Posts: 56
    All I have to say if I can do it ANYONE CAN! I am a couch potato and Food is by far my favorite thing in the world, but 5 years ago a made a decision to live and have balance! Good luck on your journey!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I've started again at the beginning of this month. I didn't do the friends and blogging before and this time it has really helped. Add me as a friend and maybe we can help each other. :)
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I never think of this as starting and stopping, but one continuous journey with highs and lows. Life doesn't stop because you have a bad day in any regard, so why should this change stop just because you have one day or perhaps longer of bad eating or not exercising. Every day is a step forward or backward; and regardless of what you're doing (or not doing), you're moving one direction or the other. It's up to you to chose which way it is!

    You can do this, just as many others have!
  • GracerB
    GracerB Posts: 1 Member
    I started with MFP on Monday as a suggestion from my sister and her husband. I've been on and off this rollercoaster several times. I understand what you mean when you ask when will it stick. Hopefully this time for all of us. Good luck.
  • marheat
    marheat Posts: 8
    I think blogging my be my secret weapon. I have something on my mind, I get it out and I feel better....I can use that logic with this...

    Good idea!! :) Thanks!!
  • marheat
    marheat Posts: 8
    Wow, great advice and logic!! Thanks so much!! I might have print that and carry that with me!

  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    So glad your back!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I have been at this for YEARS.....
    I hit my momemt when I said to myself - WTF, It is only food. Sept'10 is when I found MFP and never looked back.
    calorie count and slowly added exercise...
    My Weight Loss Doctor/Nutritionist informed me that I can eat whatever I want as long I am within the calories for the day.
    Little by little I added some walking and built up to my routine..
    I have PCOS/insulin resisitance so I am careful to watch Calores & Protein (Higher protein intake for me)
    but I enjoy what I want but enough of a taste....(I always make sure I have the calories for it) so I don't feel deprived.

    ***I eat to live now. I no longer live to eat***
    This is a change of lifestyle, Not a diet....
    Make small changes and keep building up :)
    If you slip up - make a u-turn and get right on track immediately ( don't let it ruin your day)

    Add me if you wish!!!

    You Got This!!!
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