Super high Calories found in.....

OK So I'm at my moms place in there is not alot of healthy food choices here so I eat a muffin Not the best choice but it was only a snack Then I go to log it my food diary and realize HALF the muffin was one serving which had 210 calories of course I ate the whole thing which was 420 calorie snack that's usually a meal for me with that many calories What foods have you all found with ridiculous high amount of calories in them? So I know what to avoid next time


  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    See McDonald's. lol

    My fiance about had a heart attack when he figured out how many calories were in the ramen noodles he used to eat two entire packages of as a meal.

    I still eat muffins, but I make my own. :smile:
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I bought some korean instant noodles thinking that they weren't too bad calorie wise - then I saw that one pack was 2 servings! Who eats half a pack of instant noodles at a time? I found out before I opened the pack and put the noodles in the boiling water, and ate something else for lunch. Won't be eating those any time soon.
  • andiebrent
    each tostito tortilla chip has 20 calories! If you start snacking, it adds up rediculously fast
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Cuisine De France bread rolls - even the tiny ones are still about 250 cals. Madness!
  • alisonwww
    alisonwww Posts: 104
    There are actually ALOT of foods in the database on here that are incorrect like that also.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    a GREEK SALAD WRAP at deangelos is...drum roll..810 CALORIES!! i thought i was choosing the healthiest thing on the menu

    from now on ill only have the soup!!
  • ViciousReemo
    avoid chocolate bars i mean like big ones lol!
    i ate dairy milk and it had 288 cals!!

    and avoid chocolate cake with frosting its with sooo many cals

    and avoid... hmm... lets see.....
    yah avoid mcflurry at Mcdonalds it has about 400 cals OMG!!
    and avoid all sorts of stupid sweets
  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    One serving of Amy's vegan mac and cheese is 520 calories. And I totally want to eat three of those things.
  • konr
    konr Posts: 5
    Cheese is very caloric. 100 puny grams of provolone and 400 less calories for your day :(
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Who would think that lettuce wraps would have about 1000 calories in them....really?!?!?!?! You would save quite a few calories by having a cheese burger.
  • greensnow
    I used to eat a certain brand of garlic bread- I recentely found out that 1 slice has 82 calories! The whole thing has 820 cal!! And that would just be on the SIDE of a pizza!
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Pizza hut's breadsticks are absolutely rediculous.. one is 150 calories .. without the cheese and the marinara sauce. and I could easily chow on five or six of those..
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    Who would think that lettuce wraps would have about 1000 calories in them....really?!?!?!?! You would save quite a few calories by having a cheese burger.
    What in the world is going in those wraps????
  • sdviolin
    My girlfriend's folks brought over some zucchini bread yesterday. Sounds healthy, right? The zucchini is fresh out of their garden. We asked for the recipe so we could enter it ingredient by ingredient on MFP. The loaves are small. 343 grams total. Total calories in that loaf? 12,019.

    12-thousand and 19!!! 35 calories PER GRAM!

    She took a couple of loaves into work with her today. Get it out of this house!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    My girlfriend's folks brought over some zucchini bread yesterday. Sounds healthy, right? The zucchini is fresh out of their garden. We asked for the recipe so we could enter it ingredient by ingredient on MFP. The loaves are small. 343 grams total. Total calories in that loaf? 12,019.

    12-thousand and 19!!! 35 calories PER GRAM!

    She took a couple of loaves into work with her today. Get it out of this house!

    I'm not sure that's possible! Are you SURE you entered it right?
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I was kind of shocked how many calories coleslaw had. You think it's raw cabbage and onion and carrots ... all healthy foods and then you forget about all he mayo that binds it together. 675 in a 300g pot of cheese coleslaw and I'd wolf down half a pot with dinner. :ohwell:

    But what bugs me is "portions"... who decides what a portion should be. why can't everything just be based on 100g (or per Oz for all you Imperialists :laugh: ) That way, it's easy to compare and also work out what's on your plate or in your meal :smile:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Anything from Five Guys
    The tortilla at Chipotle (300 calories yo)
    Olive oil, peanut butter (but good in moderation)
  • starwhisperer
    Ranch dressing. I use to be one of those eat it on everything people. Now I barely ever (like twice a year) touch the stuff.
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 68
    Yeah made the mistake of eating a Costco cupcake before checking it, out 760 calories each!!!!! Umm sooooo not worth it
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Anything like a tortilla or bread is typically up there....muffins and sweet breads...almost always high, most any creamy looking dressings or sauces....high