Calories vs macros

Hi guys!!! I have some question about how do I need to tack my calories... for example when I put whole my day eating into the app, it shows me for example 1500 calories but if I take the macros P*4 C*4 F*9 the number of calories changed, which one do I have to take to tack my macros??? Thanks


  • sw6709
    sw6709 Posts: 60 Member
    If you understand and feel comfortable doing the math, definitely follow the macros rather than the calories listed on MFP. Nutrition labels can be 10-15% off due to rounding guidelines. Depending on the foods chosen and your calorie goal this can be lots of extra calories!

    For example, my goal is 2165 and on any given day I can have 45-100 "missing" calories. Which at first doesn't seem like much but if your goal is weight loss this would add ~300-700 extra calories a week. For some people this would negate a whole workout!!
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    I pay attention to the MFP logging, try my best, and have lost 30 pounds. I do look at the macros, but the only ones that my doctor said to pay real attention to were carbs. Other doctors for other people probably give different answers. I'm not into doing the math for hyper-accurate info, because I'm lazy and the way I've been following MFP has worked for me.
  • AwesomeOpossum74
    AwesomeOpossum74 Posts: 106 Member
    What works well for ME: I just count calories, and don't worry about macros. Too much math.

    But ... I do try to eat healthier staple foods; vegetables, nuts, white meats, and tend to limit heavy carbs and fats.

    I'm easily maintaining, and feel healthy. I have a doctor well visit next month, and will see where I stand.
  • lin_be
    lin_be Posts: 393 Member
    I focus on calories and then protein. If I’m under my calories for the day and hit my protein goal (100g) than it’s a great day.