Need friends! 100+ to lose.

Beginning weight loss journey, again. I've been off and on here for years; gained a little, lost a little. I'm more determined than ever to lose the weight and begin a much healthier lifestyle. I am a huge emotional eater, and after a 3 hour struggle to ignore the chantilly cake at work, I ate a piece. Maybe having some friends on here will help me push through those weak moments and I will become more accountable.



  • timetokicksome
    timetokicksome Posts: 12 Member
    Hey girl! I’m in need of support/motivation too. I’d like to lose 100-120. 27 yrs.
  • tonyadornbush
    tonyadornbush Posts: 14 Member
    I feel ya. After 5 hours of avoiding a cupcake at work last week I gave in and ate half of one. Sunday's tend to be a I just need a sweet day too. If you can control your calorie count and work in a treat now and then you can compensate with some activity like walking. I will eat a quest or atkins bar for breakfast to get my chocolate fix as well. Going completely without sweets isn't a lifestyle I can maintain. Moderation and calorie control coupled with walking is a lifestyle I can work with. I don't just want to shed weight, I also want to find a way to maintain it when I get there.
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    You can add me! It is a journey... a long one full of bumps. I have lost 45 with about 50 to 60 more to go.